bang [Old telegraphers' term. Morse's original code had no punctuation codes, so punctuation had to be spelled out to be sent. ``BANG'' was the convention.]

pling. So called in some computer documentation.

shriek, exclaim, shout, wow, ..., baseball bat.

stop [Old telegraphers' term. Morse's original code had no punctuation codes, so punctuation had to be spelled out to be sent. ``STOP'' was the convention.]

dot. So called in TCP/IP addresses. Also a convention for long unix filenames, so the slightly hidden files whose names begin with this character are called ``dot files'' and .twmrc and .sig are pronounced ``dot tee double-you em ar cee'' and ``dot sig''. Usage varies.


(decimal) point.

star, gear, splat, hexathorpe?


mesh, hash, [garden] gate.

Octothorpe, pound, number.

grave accent; pling (ambiguous).

acute accent

Abbreviation for foot.

'', "
Abbreviation for inch.