- Hg
- Mercury. Archaically known as quicksilver. The symbol was constructed
from the Latin hydrargyrum (water/liquid silver).
Learn more at its entry
in WebElements and its entry
at Chemicool.
The Roman god Mercury, typically depicted with winged feet (depictions do often
include toes, though), was the god of thieves and translators, so hermeneutics
was named after him (his Greek name is Hermes), as
have a number of newspapers, including the San Jose Mercury.
Hatters once used mercuric nitrate to soften and shape felt, poisoning
themselves in the process. Hence the term ``mad as a hatter,'' immortalized by
Lewis Carroll:
- Heated Graphite Atomizer. Used in Atomic Absorption
Spectroscopy (AAS).
- Hgb
- HemoGloBin. This is an older abbreviation than the currently favored Hb. Using initials only of the main morphemes yields Hg
or at best HG. That abbreviation was evidently avoided since it can lead to
confusion with the chemical symbol for mercury (Hg),
which also occurs in medicine.
- HGBll
- Hansische Geschichtsblätter. Those are el's (lower case of LL)
in the abbreviation, not ones. There're two of them to indicate a plural
(Blätter instead of Blatt), just as
ll. indicates the plural (lines) of
l. (line). A German journal that might have been
named `Hanseatic History Journal' in English. See Stuart Jenks's
page of Tables of Contents of Historical Journals and Monographic Series in
German for a complete table of contents, with
Frames or
without (deutsche Seite:
Zeitschriftenfreihandmagazin Inhaltsverzeichnisse
geschichtswissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften in deutscher Sprache).
- Hercules Graphics Card.
- Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis. Bacterial illness, first identified
1991, transmitted by deer ticks that also transmit Lyme. More rapid onset
than Lyme, flu-like symptoms but no cough or nasal congestion. Only
antibiotics known effective are tetracycline and docxycycline
(or is that one?). Seems not to linger, but may be fatal. Has been fatal
in cases where other medical conditions may have contributed to death.
- H-Gear
- Handling Gear. Protective clothing and tools for handling hazardous
- Hepatocyte Growth Factor.
- ``Human Growth Factor.'' I'm not sure, but I think HGF -- when it is
interpreted in this way (and so doesn't stand for
hepatocyte growth factor) -- is an error
for hGH (below) or IGF (insulin-like growth
factor), or a conflation of the two. (HGH stimulates the production of IGF-1,
and, in a negative-feedback loop, IGF-1 inhibits hGH secretion by the
- HGH, hGH
- Human Growth Hormone. An endocrine hormone; the main hormone produced by
the pituitary gland. See also ``HGF.''
- Human Gene Mutation
Database at Cardiff.
- Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus.
- Human Genome Project.
some other stuff that's related.
- Hansische Geschichtsquellen. A numbered series that might
have been named `Hanseatic History Sources' in English. See Stuart Jenks's
page of Tables of Contents of Historical Journals and Monographic Series in
German for a complete
list of monographs (deutsche Seite:
Zeitschriftenfreihandmagazin Inhaltsverzeichnisse
geschichtswissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften in deutscher Sprache).
After a few years of publication under its original short title, the usual
title bloat set in, and after 1897 it was known as
Quellen und Darstellungen zur hansischen Geschichte (QDhG).
- HgSe
- Mercury Selenide.
A II-VI compound semiconductor.
Bandgap is 0.3 eV; lattice constant is 6.082 Å.
- HgTe
- Mercury Telluride. HgCdTe-based (MCT-based)
materials and devices are currently most of
the commercial II-VI market and are used primarily
for IR detectors.
Bandgap is 0.15 eV; lattice constant is 6.373 Å.
- Hepatitis-G Virus. Vide s.v. hepatitis.
- HH
- Postal code for Hamburg. The second aitch in the code probably refers to
the fact that it was a Hanseatic city, though in principle it might refer to
the fact that it's a port (see HB entry for Bremen).
Like Berlin (BE), Hamburg is both a single urban
district (including, in Hamburg's case, two nearby islands) as well as one of
the sixteen states (Länder) of the German Federal Republic (FRG). [Like most of the country information in this
glossary, Germany's is at the domain code .de.]
Hamburg is the second-largest city of Germany (after Berlin) and the
second-smallest state (before Bremen). Its area is 755.3 sq. km. and its
population (1,593,000 in the national census of 1987; 1,704,700 as of January
1, 1998).
Hamburg, Germany's largest port, is fifty-plus kilometers up the Elbe River
from the coast, and traditionally benefitted from traffic along the Elbe in
parts of northern Germany. During the period of the two Germanies, Hamburg
in West Germany lost trade from those regions, which lay mostly in East Germany
(GDR), and compensated to some extent by cultivating
business with Scandinavia.
- HH, hh
- Heavy Hole. Explanation at LH (for light hole).
- HH
- Hereditary Hemochromatosis. (Haemochromatosis in British spelling.)
Learn more about it from the AHS.
But go to the CDC's page on it
first. The AHS page is half a meg in bytes and may take a while to load.
- HH
- Home Health or Home and Hospital. Visiting nurses, that sort of thing.
- HH
- HouseHold. Term used in polling. A ``union HH'' is typically defined as
a household with at least one wage-earner who belongs to a union. A ``military HH'' might or
might not include HH's with a veteran but no active military,
depending on who's counting or reporting.
- Hand-Held Assay.
- Health Hazard Assessment.
- Hispanic Health And Nutrition Examination Survey.
- Health Hazard Assessment Report.
- The HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams
(DNA). Don't tell me the second aitch isn't
capitalized in the title. The copy in my hands has the title in all-caps.
We have more information about HHGTTG at the
ebook reader entry.
- Hubert Horatio Humphrey. Vice-president of the US under LBJ.
Ran for president in 1968 and lost a close election to Richard Milhous
Nixon (RMN).
Remembered for saying that he would eat the paper the bill was written on, if
the voting rights act of 1964 led to what we now call reverse discrimination or
quotas, which RMN imposed by executive order.
There's a Herbert Hoover Highway in Iowa, but I haven't seen it abbreviated
- Herfindahl-Hirschman Index. A measure of market concentration, defined
as the sum of the squares of the market shares (in percent).
Thus, perfect monopoly or monopsony has an HHI of 10,000 and a market
shared equally by n competitors has an HHI of 10,000/n. The HHI has the
natural property of increasing with any binary change in market share that is
intuitively regarded as concentration:
Any binary transfer of market share--i.e., any transfer of market share
involving only two market participants, increases (decreases) the HHI value
when market share shifts from the smaller to larger (larger to smaller)
market participant. Moreover, any (general) change of market share can be
decomposed into a sum of such binary transfers. However, more complex
redistributions of market share are valuated by the HHI in ways that may not
coincide with intuitive expectation. For example, a market dominated by four
equal competitors has an HHI of 2500. If three of those competitors lose
market share to a very large number of small businesses as well as to the
remaining large competitor, the HHI may remain at 2500 with one large business
holding almost half the market share.
In deciding whether to challenge a horizontal business merger (under section 7
of the Clayton Act), the DOJ and FTC consider various factors, including ease of entry
and concentration trends in the relevant market, financial condition of firms
(an unmerged company that soon fails will not prevent market concentration),
Nevertheless, the starting point for analysis is the HHI. Under DOJ-FTC
guidelines, a market with pre-merger HHI below 1,000 is regarded as
unconcentrated, and the merger is unchallenged. Note that
HHI < 1000 means that there are at least ten companies, and that
no single company can have a market share exceeding 31.62%; if the pre-merger
market is dominated by two companies (with market shares near 23.6%), their
merger can double the HHI to near 2000.
If pre-merger HHI is between 1000 and 1800, the industry is considered
moderately concentrated and will usually be challenged only if it is expected
to increase HHI by 100 points or more.
A market with HHI exceeding 1800 is considered highly concentrated; mergers
that increase HHI by 50 to 100 then ``raise significant competitive concerns.''
In any case where a leading firm has market share exceeding 35%, merger with
a firm having as little as 1% share may be challenged.
All that said, since the 1980's there's been substantial shift in legal
thinking on what constitutes monopoly power, with a deemphasis of raw size
concerns and a greater concern with how markets work, and in particular on
whether customers are deprived in some way relative to the prices and choices
that would be available in a less concentrated market. Still, all those
what-ifs are harder to measure than market share.
The formulation of the HHI implies that square of market share is a proper
measure of market power. According to
Metcalfe's Law, the value of a network varies similarly.
- Head Honcho In Charge.
- Hanging Head In Shame.
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Located at UCSD.
- H. H. Munro
- Hector Hugh Munro (1870-1916). Saki.
- Ha-Ha, Only Kidding.
- Headquarters and Headquarters OPerations.
- Headquarters and Headquarters OPerationS.
- Health and Human Services (U.S. Dept. of).
- Higher Heating Value. The total energy released by combustion of a fuel.
This includes the ``latent heat of vaporization'' of the water, which goes not
into heating but into changing the state of water in the fuel. This is quite
significant for wood fuel. The ``lower heating value'' excludes the latent
heat, and is often a more appropriate measure of heating value for good reasons
to be explained at the LHV entry.
For wood and natural gas, latent heat of vaporization is the most important
component of the difference
between energy released by a combustion and heating done by it. Of course, the
thing most effectively heated by combustion is the exhaust gas, and the
efficiency of a furnace is mainly a measure of how effectively the exhaust gas
is cooled -- i.e., how much of the ``heating value'' is saved from
direct loss to the environment in exhaust. (Some of the heating value is
emitted as radiation during the reaction, and may never go into the reaction
- HI
- Hawaii USPS abbreviation. There are a government
homepage and a searchable Hawai`i
In the Hawaiian language, Hawaii is spelled Hawai`i. The opening single
quote indicates the glottal stop consonant, the sound of ``tt'' in most
Americans' pronunciation of ``cotton.''
The Villanova University Law School provides some links to state government
web sites for
Hawaii. USACityLink.com has
a page with a few links.
- h-i
- Hearing-Impaired.
- HI
- Humanitarian Intervention. Sometimes the adjective characterizes the
impulse better than it does the effect of the noun. Cf.
- HI
- Hydrogen Injection. A part of various diffusion-furnace recipes. It's
probably good to keep in mind that H2/O2 ratios between
0.04 and .75 are flammable.
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.
German Jewish refugees in Latin America pronounced it ``HEE-ahs'' (i.e.,
as it'd be pronounced in Spanish if written
- Hi-Bi
- High Birefringence.
- Heavy Ion BackScatter[ing].
- Heavy Ion Collision[s].
- High (refractive) Index Contrast.
- Hybrid Integrated Circuit (IC).
- Hydrogen-Induced Cracking. That's cracking as in fracturing and
breaking. Hydrogen refers to acid.
Since acids dissolve metal,
more or less, one is interested in HIC-resistant metals. One application is
``wet sour gas'' pressure vessels. Sour means acidic, and moisture
is needed for an acidic gas (like H2S) to ionize and drive an
acid-base reaction.
- Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences.
The thirtieth
was in 1997.
- High-Intensity Discharge (illumination).
- hidalgo
- Spanish, `of noble descent.' (It also has
the usual transferred senses of `noble' in the modern sense.) The only reason
I mention it is because of the cool etymology. It's a contraction of hijo
de algo, `son of something.'
Rev. Jesse Jackson used to go around (still does, for all I know) getting
schoolchildren to repeat ``I am somebody.''
The word hijo (`son') comes from the Latin
filius with the same meaning (source of the English word filial).
(Interesting, and not really surprising, that filius is one of those
words with a distinctive vocative form differing from the nominative:
fili. For more on that, see the entry for Brute.) In Latin, a filius terrae,
literally `a son of the earth,' is an expression meaning `a nobody' or `an
unknown person.' A similar Latin word, filum (`thread,' compare
English filament) became hilo in Spanish. For more on the
f --> h sound shift, see the
Spanish entry.
- hidden layer
- In a layered neural-net structure, any layer
of neurons other than the final output layer or the initial input layer.
The terminology presupposes a fairly simple architecture.
- hiel
- Spanish noun meaning `bile,' from the
Latin fel (gen. fellis). Spanish also
uses the Latin word bilis in its unmodified form, which yielded
French, then English, bile. Strictly
speaking, fel was a gall bladder, and bilis in Latin was the
bitter fluid (bile) excreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. So
say Lewis and Short at their bilis entry but
not at their fel entry. It seems that at a very early point, the
meanings became confused, and fel at least was widely used metonymically
or just loosely for bile. Spanish preserves both terms in the common sense of
`bile.' Before you panic that Spanish vocabulary has stolen a march on
English, recall that English has the Germanic word gall (why isn't this
a French word?). In fact, gall is cognate with Latin fel and
Greek cholê, chólos. (The latter is
the source of yet another English term, choler, which was popular into
the eighteenth century and can still be found in classic literature. There,
heave a sigh of vocable relief.) It might be that gall (Galle in
Modern German) is cognate with yellow (gelb in Modern German).
If so then gall is related to Latin helvus, Greek
chlôrós, and the gall bladder was named for its choler,
errr, color.
Okay, let's do some more on the Spanish words. There's a tendency for
bilis to be used as a technical or physiological term. Thus, a gall
bladder is una vesícula de bilis. Conversely, hiel is
used in nontechnical Spanish usage, where it can mean `bile' in the narrow
sense, or something bitter. The latter sense is implied by the verb
helear, which means `to make bitter,' normally in the fairly literal
sense of `adding a bitter ingredient.' It's not a very useful word, except
possibly for Spanish-speaking karela-eaters (living in Kerala, I imagine). The
common verb amargar (related to amargo, `bitter-tasting') means
`to make bitter, to embitter' and is frequently used in metaphorical senses.
Hiel is also used simply in the sense of `bitterness.' This is
particularly common in belles lettres (or is that lettres
There's a common proverb no hay miel sin hiel, literally `there's no
honey without bitterness.' This can be compared with the English proverb,
``too many cooks spoil the broth.'' Well, I said it could be compared -- I
didn't say it was comparable. Another one is ``No bees, no honey; no work, no
money.'' The one I learned was ``el que quiere celeste, que le cueste,''
literally `he who wants light blue [the sky], let it cost him [work].'
Miscellaneous paragraphs follow. Sometimes you want to mention
something, but you don't want to interrupt the flow, you know? And then it's
too late.
Spanish nouns derived from Latin neuters generally become masculine. (There is
no neuter gender in Spanish. The Inquisition, you know. And Opus Dei.) Quite
interestingly, although fel is neuter, the derived noun hiel is
feminine. These things befall in the best of families, but more often in
linguistics than zoology. Perhaps the
gender change was due to the
influence of female bilis, or maybe el hiel (`the gall') just
sounded too sing-songy.
There's an idiom sin hiel. If the
phrase makes no sense in context, you can understand it as `excellent.'
- hielo
- Spanish noun meaning `ice,' from the
Latin gelu. It's related to the verb
helar, q.v. That verb
undergoes a stem change (someday we'll have an ablaut entry, but today
ain't someday), on the same pattern as pensar (`to think'). Compactly
stated, all present indicative, present subjunctive, and imperative forms,
except for first- and second-person plural conjugations, substitute -ie- for
-e-. (Otherwise -- which is to say in first- and second-person plural forms,
in periphrastic tenses, and in the rest of the synthetic ones -- there's no
stem change.) Hence, hielo also means `I freeze.'
- hieroglyphics
- A pictographic system of writing used in ancient Egypt. Also, more
recently, hieroglyphics have
been discovered along the sides of European roads, some of which are quite
old and have not been repaired since the late
middle ages.
- Hoyt Institute of Fine Arts.
A community arts center and museum which I hear is ``located in the foothills
of western Pennsylvania.''
- Hi-Fi
- HIgh FIdelity. Describes sound reproduction; ``high-fidelity'' sound has
high fidelity to the original. Back in the 1950's and 60's, the days when
vinyl and open-reel ruled, ``Hi-Fi'' was used as a
noun for a record or tape player or a combined unit, maybe with a radio. We
had a Grundig with three or four short-wave bands. Because it was an expensive
piece of high-tech equipment, and most people weren't yet accustomed to paying
more for less, it had to come in a monstrously large piece of wooden furniture
that was mostly hollow.
``Hi-Fi'' as an adjective for sound equipment is almost as superfluous as
``electronic'' to describe a computer. The term was used by our parents to
describe their status-competition toys. In the 1970's when we started buying
decent equipment of our own, we discarded (i.e., the marketing people
decided that we would discard) the now old-fashioned term Hi-Fi. The radio
lost its speaker and output stage (amplifier) and became a tuner. The record
player lost its amplifier and speaker(s) and became a turntable. You combined
one or more of these items with an amplifier and a couple of loudspeakers and
you had a ``component system.'' The components had different brand names on
them. They started to come from Japan; soon they all came from Japan. A
turntable that came in a single box with an amplifier (what an innovative
concept!) was a stereo. Often the stereo came bundled with a radio tuner. In
the seventies you could get an old-style combination: a stereo with radio tuner,
plus eight-track or cassette or (rarer) both, in a ``compact'' unit.
In the late 90's or so, the old-fashionedness of the term now bleached out by
three decades' lying in the cold sun of the linguistic scrap heap, ``Hi-Fi''
has been dusted off and pasted onto some CD players.
Since the download of high-fidelity audio data requires high bandwidth or
patience, webpages now often offer a Lo-Fi option.
- Heterostructure-Insulated Gate Field Effect
Transistor. This seems to be a Honeywell specialty. About halfway
between a MESFET and a
- high-concept
- High-nonsense.
- high rate of speed
- This is highly technical police language. I'm afraid you wouldn't be able
to grasp it. You'd probably think it means something like `high speed' or
`fast.' Yeah, right. Let me lay it on ya': it's traversing a given quantity
of distance during a short interval of time, relatively speaking. You'll
probably want to retreat to your cage and think it over a while.
- high-ratio mortgage
- A mortgage loan on a large fraction of the value of a property (i.e.,
a mortgage loan with a high L.T.V. ratio). In
Canadian practice, where
high-ratio mortgages are required to be insured, that is defined as a loan
exceeding 75% of the lending value of the
- highside
- To have your bike fall over to the outside of a curve. Noun and verb and
- hight
- A neglected useful word with the meaning of ``is called by the name
of.'' So instead of saying ``I am Red'' (which might be interpreted as ``I am
red'') or ``I am called Red'' or ``you can call me Red'' (with even greater
ambiguity) or ``my name is Red'' (a bit too formal), you can say directly, and
without leaning on the passive voice: ``I hight Red,'' which has just the right
tone (plus a bit of mystery right now). Obviously, it's a cognate of German
Chaucer made use of the verb substantially, Shakespeare rarely. Twain embraced it in his Tale of a Connecticut
Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1889). [The action in that story is set
mostly in the sixth century, but the language is Modern English colored with
bits of Elizabethan (Early Modern English) archaisms.]
Over the centuries, there has been considerable confusion regarding the
conjugation of this verb, with the vowel wobbling about and the parts of the
verb interchanging. For this reason, it is clear that the verb should now be
regularized: hight, highted, (have) highted, highting. See also contemn and clepe.
C.R. Haines uses hight in his translation, for the Loeb Classical
Library, of the correspondence of Fronto. Specifically, in the third paragraph
of the first letter -- a somewhat chastising letter from Fronto to his former
student Marcus Aurelius, designated successor to Caesar Pius. (In this
connection, it's amusing to read the so-called Meditations of Marcus
Aurelius. The first section is a list of acknowledgments, and around the
middle of the list, Fronto has his paragraph and a carefully measured-out
teaspoon of praise.) Haines uses the construction is hight
[sic], so we may take the publication year of that volume (1919) as a
convenient date marking the death of this verb, before its resurrection in this
Very possibly, it is not accidental that the word occurs in this particular
paragraph. The paragraph is about word choice -- beginning with Cicero's and
going on to critique that of his correspondent Aurelius. According to Fronto
(in Haines's English): ``Wherefore I commend you greatly for the care and
diligence you shew [sic] in digging deep for your word and fitting it to
your meaning. But, as I said at first, there lies a great danger in the
enterprize [sic] lest the word be applied unsuitably [pause here and
reflect] or with a want of clearness or a lack of refinement, as by a man of
half-knowledge, for it is much better to use common and everyday words
[volgaribus et usitatis] than unusual and far-fetched ones [remotis
et requisitis], if there is little difference in real meaning.'' I am in
perfect concord with this sentiment. The early Loebs are notorious for their
archaic English. To judge by his 1889 work
Christianity and Islam in
Spain (756-1031), Haines was not normally quite so old-fashioned. (He
did use shew and show verb forms in about equal numbers in the
1889 work, however, and by that time shew was distinctly a minority
usage even among British writers. Then again, even in 2007 I know a Latin
teacher in England who still writes shew.)
In the particular case of Fronto, however, the archaizing is probably
appropriate, since he was deeply conservative regarding language and
literature. Though born around 90 CE, he hated the modernism of people like
Seneca, and only cared for the old republican writers. One even gets the
impression that his praise of Cicero was grudging. Fronto's use of the variant
volgaribus (see above) instead of the now-standard vulgaribus is
probably an instance of his preference for old usages. (In the original
manuscripts, of course, there was no graphical u/v distinction, so these words
were written uolgaribus and uulgaribus.) At least, -uus
nominatives could be and usually were written with -uos until the Golden Age
(70 BCE-18 CE).
One thing obvious from Fronto's letters is that he liked to pile on the words,
apparently to show off that he knew them. The reason that one obtains that
impression is that, quite frankly, the supernumerary words often added little
of significance and just reduced precision, accuracy, and overall correctness,
so to speak.
- High-TC Superconductivity
- Also HTS and HTSC.
Superconductivity at temperatures (i.e. below superconducting
transition temperatures TC) much higher than, say, 30K.
Superconductors with high TC were discovered by
Alex Muller and George Bednorz of IBM Zurich in 1986.
An online introduction
is available from Texas
Center for Superconductivity at the University of Houston.
The ORNL HTSC homepage (apparently this is
technically the homepage for
``Superconductivity for Electric
Power Systems'') is pedagogically useful as well.
Other useful information sites are SUPRAS and
the Los Alamos server
form for e-prints. There's also
an electronic journal called
TC Update.
- higo
- Spanish for `fig.' Pronounced like
ego in English, except that the e is of shorter duration, the g is
articulated at the epiglottis rather than the palate, and the o isn't rounded,
but other than that it's all the same sounds.
The English word fig and the Spanish word higo are both derived
from Latin ficus, and both show the revoicing
of the cee. (The letter c in Latin is essentially a gamma that lost its
voicing. If you think I'm gonna explain that one again, you gotta'nother thing comin'.) The eff and aitch sounds are closely
related. This can be seen in Japanese, where the syllables associated with
ha are hi, fu, he, and ho. (Note, though,
that the eff there is bilabial, represented in the IPA by the character phi.) The eff/aitch similarity
can be seen in English, where the original aitch-like /x/ or /ç/ sound
still found in Scottish loch evolved into eff (rough, tough) or
disappeared (high, nigh). In Spanish, a number of Latin initial eff's became
aitches, and aitch is now silent. Other examples: hacer, `make, do,'
from Latin facere; herir, `injure,' from ferire;
hierro, `iron,' from ferrum; hijo, `son,' (cf.
hidalgo) from filum; horno,
`oven,' from furnus; humo, `smoke,' from fumus.
The word higo is used figuratively in Spanish to suggest something
small, somewhat as in the English expression ``I don't care a fig.'' However,
in Spanish it is used more, uh, figuratively, if you catch my drift.
- {His|Her} Imperial Highness. Abbreviates the title used in English for
members of the Japanese royal family.
- Hi -- it's me!
- Just consider the alternatives.
- Heavy Ion Linear ACcelerator.
- Hi-Lo
- A genre of writing that comprises both fiction and nonfiction works. The
name stands for HIgh interest and LOw difficulty. Hi-Lo writing is aimed
adult-like readers with child-like reading ability. The ``high interest''
subjects of this genre are chosen to appeal to people who are beyond normal
elementary-school age and likely to be bored by the sort of Dick-and-Jane
narratives found in introductory readers. To be perfectly fair, a teenager
who only reads at an elementary-school level is nevertheless likely to be more
sophisticated than the average younger reader.
The lives of professional athletes are popular subjects of Hi-Lo. This strikes
me as ironically appropriate, though there are, uh, many exceptions.
Cf. El-Hi.
- Health Information Management.
- Himmel
- This is a German noun, and it can be translated into just about any
European language by a single word, but for English you need two words: `sky'
and `heaven.'
- Himmelgucker
- A German fish name roughly roughly translatable as `sky watcher.' It's the
name of the family Uranoscopidae. The English common name is
star-gazer, and German also uses a parallel name as a synonym:
- High-altitude Missile Engagement Zone. Surface-to-Air missiles.
See differential definition at the weapon
engagement zone entry of the DOD's online Dictionary of Military
- Heard Island and the McDonald Islands. See .hm.
- Hindus In North America. A pun on the Hindi word hiina, `lost,
abandoned.' There seems to be a penchant for irony in the construction of
these initialisms.
- hindcast
- A forecast of past events or conditions based on events or conditions in
the more remote past. The term is used primarily in weather and climate
research, as a way to test predictive models. (Hence the alternate term
backtest, although this term is preferred by econometric and market modelers.)
- hindcasting
- The making of hindcasts, q.v.
- hindi
- The Turkish word for `turkey.' Wonders never cease.
Babahindi is a `turkey cock,' and baba is one of the words
meaning `father.' (Internationally, of course, ata is better known.
Both words, along with cet [`grandfather'], have a scattering of
generalized senses like `ancestor, forefather, elder.') There are many
compounds beginning in baba, including babaanne (`paternal grandmother'
-- so that's what the Beach Boys were singing about!), but a similar
construction for any other bird does not seem to be common. For example, the
peafowl is tavus, and the peacock and peahen are tavus kusu and
disi tavus, respectively. (Please mark your screen with a cedilla under
the s in kusu and in disi.) A drake is an erkek
ördek (literally a `duck cock') and a gander is an erkek kaz.
A turkey buzzard (more commonly called ``turkey vulture'' outside the US) is a
``hindi akbabasι.'' I assume this is a loan translation rather
than a coincidence; akbaba means `vulture.'
- hinny
- The offspring of a male horse and a jenny.
Because a mare is larger than a jenny, mules tend to be larger than hinnies.
- The History INTernational cable channel.
- Hits (given up) per Inning Pitched. A baseball pitching stat. Cf.
- Hot Isostatic Press[ing]. I've actually read ``HIPing'' but not heard it.
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Passed by the US
Congress in 1996. Administrative reforms phased in 2000-2003. Also known as
the Kennedy-Kassebaum bill, it was originally introduced with the intent of
assuring some continuing health insurance coverage for employees immediately
after they leave a job. In a concession to the insurance industry, an
``Administrative Simplification'' section was added, intended to save money by
requiring standardized identification, diagnosis, and treatment codes, and
standard electronic formats for records and transactions.
- hip abductor
- Whoa! I want everything back except the cellulite.
- Highly Indebted Poor Country. As distinguished from a highly indebted rich
Heterogeneous Intelligent Processing for Engineering Design.
- Hipparcos
- HIgh
Precision PARallax COllecting Satellite. (Ordinarily, I might insist on a
hyphen between High and Precision, but I'll let it go this time
because (a) the satellite was also high and (b) it's a cool
backronym honoring a great ancient astronomer
instead of some odd mythical character.) Hipparcos, an
ESA mission, was launched in August 1989 and
charted stars until March 1993. Its ``main instrument generated the Hipparcos
Catalogue of 118,218 stars charted with the highest precision. An auxiliary
star mapper pinpointed many more stars with lesser but still unprecedented
accuracy, in the Tycho Catalogue of 1,058,332 stars. The Tycho 2 Catalogue
[based on a reanalysis of the original data
improved reduction techniques], completed in 2000, brings the total to
2,539,913 stars, and includes 99% of all stars down to [apparent] magnitude
That's almost 100,000 times fainter than Sirius, the radio satellite, errr,
satellite radio. Oh, wrong Sirius! Seriously, it's
Sirius, the Dog
Star, 26 times greater absolute magnitude than our sun and a mere stone's throw
away (8.6 ly). It's the brightest star in the night sky.
- HIgh
Performance Parallel Interface. ANSI defines
- PHysical layer standard ANSI/X3.183-1991.
- Framing Protocol, ANSI/X3.210-1992.
- Link Encapsulation, ANSI/X3.218-1993.
- Intelligent Peripheral Interface.
- Switch Control, ANSI/X3.222-1993.
- Disk Connections
- ANSI/ISO 9318-3.
- Tape Connections
- ANSI/ISO 9318-4.
For a better list, with links, look here.
- hippocracy
- Government by horse, to judge from the Greek
roots. Perhaps you were thinking of hypocracy.
- hippuric acid
- Also known as N-Benzoylglycine, benzoyl aminoacetic acid (and benzoylamino
acetic acid), 2-benzamidoacetic acid, and phenylcarbonylaminoacetic acid.
Various of those are official. Maybe it's easiest just to remember the
Chemical Abstracts registry number (CAS 495-69-2). Okay, maybe not.
In German, it's Hippursäure, Benzoylglycin, or
Benzoylglykokoll. The interesting name comes from the Greek
hippos (`horse') and ouron (urine). (The German word
Säure, cognate with English sour, means `acid.')
Spanish and French
also have ácido hipúrico and acide hippurique,
It's commonly found in the urine of herbivores and, as you can probably guess,
it was first identified in the urine of horses. It's formed in the kidneys by
reaction of benzoic acid with the amino acid glycine, and it's a way that
herbivores get rid of excess benzoic acid in some plants. Hippuric acid
normally occurs only in trace amounts in humans and carnivores.
\ /
\ /
/ ___ \
/ / \ \
H---C ( ) C---H
\ \___/ /
\ /
/ \
/ \
H C===O
H---N H
\ /
\ /
/ \
/ \
H C===O
- High-Impact PolyStyrene.
- Health Information Resources.
- HIgh-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer.
- hirsute
- Keeps hedge trimmer in bathroom.
- High-resolution Imaging Spectrometer.
- Hospital Information System.
- (US) House (of Representatives) Internal Security Committee.
- Houston (Tx.) Independent School District.
- How I Spent My
Vacation. An 80-minute Tiny Toon Adventure movie. A work of art
to judge by all eyewitness accounts.
- Hispanic Heritage Month
- Mes de la herencia hispana. I figured I'd mention it because of the
novelty of its running from September 15 to October 15, instead of coinciding
with a calendar month. Examples of the latter are collected at the awareness months entry.
Here's something geographically
numb-brained from the US Census Bureau:
In September 1968, Congress authorized President Lyndon B.
Johnson to proclaim National Hispanic Heritage Week. The observance was
expanded in 1988 to a monthlong celebration (Sept. 15 -- Oct. 15). America
celebrates the culture and traditions of U.S. residents who trace their roots
to Spain, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, South
America and the Caribbean. Sept. 15 was chosen as the starting point for the
celebration because it is the anniversary of independence of five Latin
American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.
In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on Sept. 16 and
Sept. 18, respectively.
There used to be a Smithsonian
Heritage Months page where, at least during Hispanic Heritage Month, you
could find a link for ``evento calendarios,'' which was apparently intended to
be Spanish. In Spanish, it means `calendars
event' -- i.e., the event having to do with calendars.
fixed that, but their bilingual stuff is still basically in English and
translated English.
In passing, I should note that the homepage of ``Smithsonian Education'' is now
set up with links based on who you are rather than on the information you want.
The who-you-are approach works reasonably well for toilets, but the only thing
it does well for information is insult. It's like the old ``Women's Section''
of the newspaper: tell us who you are, and we'll tell you what you want to
know, dear. University homepages make the same offensive assumption. You want
the Chemistry Department? Please tell us if you are staff, student, or
money-ba-a-ah....err, heh-heh,
- The HISTory cable channel. Documentaries about WWII.
- historical fiction
- A composite material, with broken chunks of history embedded in an
elastic matrix of fiction.
- history
- The etymology of this word has no more to do with his than that of
the word calendar has to do with lend.
The term natural history ought to give you a hint of that. It comes
from the Latin historia naturalis. That was
the title of a sort of compendium of universal knowledge compiled by Pliny the
Elder, and for him natura was a little more inclusive than our
nature, which deserves its own entry, eventually. For now I'll just
mention that like Linneaus in the eighteenth century, Pliny dealt not just with
the animal and vegetable but also the mineral kingdom, both wild (as found `in
nature') and domesticated (dyes and other technology), and also the weather,
and other stuff. He really wanted to cram all knowledge into his encyclopedia,
and at 37 books it is believed to be nearly complete, but curiosity killed that
cat. He died in A.D. 79 when he went to investigate the volcanism of Mount
Vesuvius, which erupted and covered Pompeii and Herculaneum. (He succumbed to
toxic gases on the shore of the Bay of Naples.)
Histôria was a term borrowed from Greek, meaning `investigation,'
so natural history is the investigation of nature.
It was only gradually that the sense of the word historia (apart from
special contexts like historia naturalis) became specialized to the
investigation only of past human events.
The Greek histôria was based on the verb histôrein,
`to inquire,' related to the noun
histôr, `learned man.' No, no, his doesn't mean `man'
here. (If anything, *-tor does; it's an element in archaic Greek men's
names, such as Nestor, Hector, and Mentor in Homer, and in
no women's names that I can think of. That would make story, derived
from history, the more purely gendered term. Make of this what you
will, but leave me out of it.)
Histôr is generally agreed to be a suffixed form *wid-tor
of the common Indo-European root *weid-,
meaning `to see.' The same root also led to the Greek words eidos
(`form') and idea (`form,' `appearance,' and `idea'). (Hence Plato's
``idealism'' was his
``theory of the forms.'')
The University of Kansas serves a number of history resources such as
the Virtual Library page for History and a linked Index of Resources for Historians.
(That means that if you're not a licensed historian, you're not allowed to
use them. Stay AWAY!)
- history has shown
- So I don't have to. Whaddaya mean ``please give examples''? It's history,
it's facts -- you can go look 'em up! I don't have to tell you where to go
(though I'm sorely tempted to).
- HisTRU
- HIStory of Technology Research
Unit at Bournemouth University. This acronym has an unfortunuate
resemblance to Minitrue.
- Health Information Technology.
- Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia, immune-mediated. Reduction in platelet
count during heparin therapy (see UFH). Slight
temporary decreases in platelet count are common (and self-correct) in the
first few days of heparin therapy (both UFH and
LMWH). This is not important, and usually not
referred to as ``HIT.'' A thrombocytopenia mediated by an immune response to
heparin occurs in up to 3% of heparin therapy cases. This more severe effect
is HIT, and warrants immediate discontinuation of heparin therapy.
Hunter Information and Training program of the Alaska Department of Fish
and Game (ADF&G). It's getting dark-- I can't
see! The mission of the HIT
program is to promote the highest standards of safety, ethical hunting
behavior and, wildlife conservation practices among Alaskan hunters.
Alaska is the only state that issues licenses
without requiring that a hunter education course be taken by the applicant.
- Hitachi
- If you've got the bandwidth.
- Hitchcock
- Information about the director and occasional actor Alfred Hitchcock
can be accessed through his entry the Internet Movie Database,
as for others, and also at a dedicated
Hitchcock homepage.
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The virus that causes AIDS. Even the prime minister of South Africa
believes this now.
At least two sets of strains are distinguished -- HIV1 and
HIV2. HIV probably evolved from SIV, which induces
symptoms more like HIV2. Cf. FIV.
HIV-tainted needles in gas-pump handles? A hoary urban legend; check out
the UL entry.
One frequently encounters the usage ``HIV
virus'' (an acronym-assisted AAP
pleonasm). For clarity or emphasis, or for some unknown reason, ``HI
virus'' is sometimes used. The spelling looks somewhat insensitively upbeat.
On the other hand, it goes with the thoughtfully
constructed adjective ``HI-viral.''
- HIV+
- HIV positive. Infected with one strain or more of HIV. And it is a great strain.
- Heavy-Ion-induced X-ray Satellite Emission.
- HJ
- Headphone Jack.
Any chance this guy is a distant relative of Max Headroom?
- HJ
- Heterojunction. Not Howard
Johnson's, which is abbreviated HoJo.
- HJ
- Historical Jesus. The main frustration in attempting to extract historical
information from the extant textual evidence (Christian testimony, Tacitus,
Josephus, Talmud, etc.) is that the main weapon in the armamentarium argumenti
is ``it seems reasonable to assume that.''
A lot of us nonbelievers are secretly hoping that he comes back anyway, just to
hear him say ``No, no! That's not what I meant at all!''
- HJb
- Historisches Jahrbuch. A German journal that might have been
named `History Yearbook' in English. See Stuart Jenks's
page of Tables of Contents of Historical Journals and Monographic Series in
German for a complete table of contents (deutsche Seite:
Zeitschriftenfreihandmagazin Inhaltsverzeichnisse
geschichtswissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften in deutscher Sprache).
- History Journals Guide. An
online resource created by Stefan Blaschke.
- HK
- Hashemite Kingdom (of Jordan).
- HK
- HexoKinase.
- .hk
- (Domain name code for)
Hong Kong.
Here's the Hong Kong
page of an X.500 directory.
The SAR entry has even less information about Hong
- Hong Kong Dredging Corporation.
- IATA code for Hong Kong International Airport, in
Hong Kong. The largest airport in the world, with
over 5500 doors, according to the entertainment portion of our in-flight
When I was there in August 1990, ground crew were eating lunch on the tarmac,
in the shade of 747 wings.
- Helsingin
Kauppakorkeakoulu. Helsinki School of Economics
and Business Administration.
- Hong Kong (HK)
Productivity Council.
- Hong Kong (HK)
Translation Society.
- Hong Kong (HK) University of Science and Technology.
- H.L.
- Henry Louis (Mencken).
- High-Level Architecture.
- Human Leukocyte Antigen. A protein on the
macrophage cell surface that serves as a mount for displaying polypeptide
fragments from broken-down
viruses. Helper T-cells key on the peptides thus displayed (the epitopes)
and activate B-cells (which generate antibodies to the free virus) and
killer T-cells, which attack infected cells.
- Horse-Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase. (Not a joke.)
- Handbook of Latin American
Studies. A bibliography on Latin America listing works selected and
annotated by academic scholars. Edited by the Hispanic Division of the
Library of Congress. Published annually since
1935. In recent years, the even-numbered volumes have been dedicated to
humanities and the odd-numbered volumes to social sciences.
- H-Law
- History-of-Law (electronic
mailing list). Sponsored by the ASLH.
- Hydrophile-Lipophile Balance. Not yet another balance you have to
try to achieve in your diet. This one is the responsibility of the
emulsifiers. HLB is a measure of the relative attraction of an emulsifier for
polar versus nonpolar liquids.
- Hidden Line Hidden Surface Removal. A cosmetics technology? Not that
I'm aware. The task of determining which lines and surfaces of a
three-dimensional object should not be rendered in a computer-generated
two-dimensional representation.
- High(er) Level Language. A term of limited utility, including as it
does both COBOL and C++.
Here's a list
of computing languages with online resources.
- High Level Language
Application Programming Interface.
- Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicle. Like the Saturn V rocket. In this area the
Soviets' space program had it all over us, with a large variety of Energiya
rockets. I guess I'll put a link back here from the Satellite Power System (SPS) entry.
- Habitation à loyer modéré.
French more-or-less literally meaning
`moderate-rent housing.' Equivalent to American `housing projects' or
`low-income housing,' or British `council estates.'
France had a big boom in HLM construction in the
1960's and 70's. Generally, these are high-rise apartments. See
jeunes des banlieues.
Large blocks of rental units always seem to develop negative social
connotations, and words associated with them become pejorative in various ways.
Those ways vary among different languages and we'll visit that topic here
eventually (for Spanish, English, and German).
- HeadLine News. The sister-station of CNN. I was going to write that HLN
is now a ``sealed acronym,'' but I
realize now that it's actually a subtle XARA. (A
XARA is A Recursive Acronym.) It's 2013, and since at least September of 2010,
whenever I've read an expansion of HLN, it has been ``HLN, formerly known as
Headline News.''
Properly, that should be written ``Hln, formerly known as headLine News.''
It's a wasted opportunity, of course. They should have called it
TCNNFKAHLN (The Cable News Network Formerly Known
As HeadLine News). And maybe they will. It seems to get some kind of
rebranding every few years. It was launched as CNN2 in 1982, was Headline News
1983-1989, HN 1989-1992, Headline News again 1992-1997, CNN Headline News
1997-2007, and HLN since then. During the HN era and the first year or so of
the HLN era, ``Headline News'' was regularly used appositively. Therefore,
while it is fair to identify it as ``HLN, formerly known as Headline News,'' it
is preferable, because ridiculous and accurate, to write ``HLN, formerly known
as HLN, Headline News.''
For most of its existence, it has provided what ``headline'' implies: a
condensed version of the news, repeated on a 30-minute loop. It was like the
old WINS 1010 AM radio station in New York, which used to repeat, frequently:
``you give us twenty-two minutes, we give you the news.'' (Well it
sounded like a comma splice.) The loop actually
repeated exactly three times per hour, but they wanted you to show up early and
hear the final two minutes of ads from the previous cycle. I would foil them
by rehearing the weather report instead.
Since 2005, the once and future Headline News has shifted toward another kind
of content strongly associated with headlines: tabloid programming. I believe
they're now featuring two hours of Nancy Grace (``television's only justice
themed/interview/debate show for those interested in the breaking news of
the day'') twelve times daily. Notice that they say ``for those interested
in the breaking news.'' Even they aren't claiming that it's always
- Higher Layer Protocol Identifier.
- Home Location Registry. (Or Register.) Permanent record of mobile
network subscribers. Part of the cellular voice reference model.
- Harvard Law School.
- Hellenic Literature Society. You can receive a copy of their free
fortnightly electronic newsletter, ``Greece in
Print,'' as well as hard-copy promotional material, by sending a subscription
request to GreekBooks@worldnet.att.net
with your name and both your e-mail address and your home postal address.
The HLS is a non-profit organization.
- HindLimb Suspension. A procedure used for studying the effect on rat
muscles of long-term ``unloading.'' Sort of the rat equivalent of enforced
- High Loan-To-Value. An HTLV mortgage is one in which the principal on the
loan is greater than the value of the property. HTLV mortgages are essentially
renegotiations of the mortgage to refinance credit-card or other high-interest
debt -- equivalent to a second mortgage.
- High-Level Waste. An environmental management term. Cf.
CEO, a business management term.
- .hm
Heard and McDonald Islands, domain name code.
An external territory of Australia in the southern Indian Ocean at about
53°05' South, 073°30' East. They are about 1,500 km north of Antarctica,
4,100 km south-west of Australia, and about 4,700 km south-east of Africa.
- HM
- {Her | His} (British, Royal) Majesty.
- HM
- Horace Mann School. According to
the homepage, ``Horace Mann is a co-educational college preparatory day school
enrolling students in Nursery through Twelfth Grade. Among the top independent
day schools in the country, Horace Mann is best known for a superb academic
program that draws talented young people from three states and as far away as
50 miles.''
Horace Mann, as you probably realize, is also the name of a person. Horace
Mann (1796-1859) was an early advocate of free universal public education. He
was known as the ``father of the American public school,'' but that's a lot of
syllables; his friends probably called him ``Horace.'' (Even though ``Horace''
is disyllabic, it's practically as atomic as ``Paul.'') He was elected the
first secretary of the Board of Education of Massachusetts when that was
founded in 1837. The Horace Mann School traces its history back to the Horace
Mann Lincoln School, founded in 1887 and described today at our HML entry.
- Hardwood Manufacturers Association. Sponsors a Hardwood Information Center.
See also the Hardwood Agents and Brokers Association (HABA).
- Hot Mix Asphalt.
- HexaMethylBenzene. Don't you think you're overdoing the symmetry thing,
here? That's it -- no more methyl groups, I'm full!
- Heteronuclear Multiple-Bond Connectivities.
- HeadMasters' and Headmistresses' Conference. A UK organization that represents the heads of independent
schools. In Britain, ``independent'' schools are privately-run schools -- what
are called private schools in the US and used to be called public schools in
Britain. The government-operated schools (``public schools'' in the US) are
``state schools'' in Britain.
- {Her | His} (British, Royal) Majesty's Canadian Ship.
- Head-Mounted Display.
- Home Mortgage Disclosure Act.
- HMDS, hmds
- HexaMethylDiSiloxane.
- Hoof-and-Mouth Disease Virus. Note that the disease is not
``Hoof in Mouth.'' Cows, at least, are not that stupid.
- High Magnetic Field[s]. There's a biennial HMF conference that began in
1972 at the University of Würzburg. Eight of the first 18 conferences
were at that venue, so HMF is also known as ``the Würzburg Conferences.''
HMF18 was organized as a satellite
conference of the ICPS 2008. As satellites go, it
has a long orbital period; ICPS 2008 is in Rio de Janeiro, while HMF18 is in
São Pedro, a small town 180 km northwest of São Paulo and 100 km
north of Campinas. The conference is providing transportation from São
Paulo International Airport and from Campinas airport.
- Heavy-Metal Fluoride Glasses. Sounds
like something old metal rockers would use to find their way around the nursing
home, if they lived that long. See ZBLAN for more
serious discussion.
- Horse Media Group.
- hMG, HMG
- Human Menopausal Gonadotropin. Stimulates egg development. Clomiphene
(common name Clomid) is also used clinically for infertility caused by inadequate egg maturation.
- 3-Hydroxy-3-MethylGlutaryl COenzyme A (CoA).
- Hugh M. Hefner. Founder of Playboy Magazine (in 1953) and related enterprises. A
pleasingly symmetric monogram.
- Hub Management Interface.
- Horace Mann-Lincoln School. A private New York City coeducational school
founded in 1887 as an adjunct of Teachers College
(TC). The official name was ``Horace Mann Lincoln
Institute for School Experimentation'' (HMLI), although making anything
official or regular is probably anathema. (I assume you know who Lincoln was.
Horace Mann is described a little bit at the entry
HM, the initialism preferred by the school in its
current incarnation.)
HML was a progressive school, and after
John Dewey joined the TC faculty in 1904,
it only got more progressive. The school was also politically ``progressive.''
It may have had a limousine-liberal period, but eventually the student body
came to be mostly red-diaper babies. The philosopher John Searle, who attended
HML in the 40's, recalled in
1999 interview that, as a mere socialist, he ``was sort of the class
right-winger of the ninth grade.''
``The Horace Mann
School for Boys moved to Riverdale in 1912, and during the 1940's, severed
formal ties with Teachers College and became Horace Mann School. The HM School
for Girls remained at Teachers College through the 1940's.'' I read somewhere
that that closed in 1948, and that its old building is now
New York's P.S. 125.
- You could do worse than visit the HML entry.
Can't take a hint, can you?
- Hidden Markov Model. Where did they hide it?
- High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle. `
Humvee.' Replaced the Jeep.
- Health Maintainance Organization. If they sold life insurance too, then
they might have an incentive for you to survive. Visit
the homepage of NCQA, the
National Committee for Quality Assurance.
A brief explanation of the origin of the HMO can be
found on the
- Hückel Molecular Orbital (method, theory, whathaveyou).
If you can't enter the umlauted character in the text, write ``Hueckel'' for
- High-Performance MOS.
- Heterostructure MOSFET.
- Host Monitoring Protocol.
- HyperMedia Presentation.
- HexaMethylPropyleneAmine Oxime.
- Heteronuclear Multiple-Quantum Correlation.
NMRtian. Cf.
Single same (HMQC).
- {Her | His} (British, Royal) Majesty's Revenue and Customs.
- {Her | His} (British, Royal) Majesty's Railway Inspectorate.
- Huber-Markov Random Field.
- {Her | His} (British, Royal) Majesty's Ship. Most famous: the Pinafore.
- The Historical Metallurgy Society.
- H.M.S.O., HMSO
- {Her | His} (British, Royal) Majesty's Stationery Office. Similar in
function to the US GPO.
- High Molecular Weight.
- .hn
- Honduras domain name code.
- H-NET, H-Net
- Full name: H-Net, Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine.
``H-Net is an interdisciplinary organization of scholars dedicated to
developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet and the World
Wide Web. The computing heart of H-Net resides at Michigan State University,
but H-Net officers, editors and subscribers come from all over the globe.''
Yeah, yeah, I'm sure they do a lot of fine stuff,
but primarily they're known for setting up mailing lists for some of the more
electronically halt and lame among humanistic and social scientific learned
- HIPPI Networking Forum.
- High NonLinearity Dispersion-Shifted (optic) Fiber.
- Hughes Network Systems.
- Ho
- Holmium. A lanthanide or rare earth (RE)
element. Its existence was predicted on spectroscopic grounds by Delafontaine
and Soret in 1878. It was first isolated as an impurity
in erbia earth by Per Theodor Cleve, who named it after the Latin name of his
native city, Stockholm. Perhaps the reason for the resemblance between that
city's Latin name and
Swedish name is the fact that the city was founded
in the thirteenth century. On the other hand, for a long time the place was
Christiana. Oh wait -- that's Oslo. Never mind.
Learn more at its entry
in WebElements and its entry
at Chemicool.
- HO
- Half-O. The name of a model railroad scale, 1:87. Half the size of O
(letter O) scale, which was originally known as 0 (zero). HO is the
most popular scale for model railroad and industry sets, although there is
increasing enthusiasm for N.
- HO
- High output... lamps, that is. VHO is Very HO.
- HO
- Home Office. That is, an office at home. Some companies may well use HO
as an abbreviation for their (non-residential) ``home office.''
- hod
- A bricklayer's implement.
- The (UK) Hydrocarbon Oil Duties Act of 1979.
- Highest Occupied Donor Orbital. HODO is to LEAO as HOMO is to LUMO. In fact,
the HODO is the HOMO, in some approximation. In donor-acceptor
complexes, the highest occupied state (a/k/a orbital) is (centered) on the
donor complex and the lowest unoccupied state (the LUMO, if you've done that
kind of calculation) is on the acceptor complex, so it's the lowest empty
acceptor orbital (the LEAO). So HODO and LEAO are special cases, for
donor-acceptor complexes, of HOMO and LUMO, respectively.
- hoe
- A farm implement.
- Holographic Optical Element.
- H-Net Network on Online Education in the Humanities.
- Heteronuclear Overhauser Enhancement (NMR)
SpectroscopY. Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement is NOE, but right now there's nothing there but pointers
to related acronyms.
- HoF, HOF
- Hall Of Fame. What, you were expecting maybe ``House of Flatcakes''?
Henry Mitchell MacCracken, a chancellor of New York
University, conceived the idea of a pantheon of great Americans, and coined
the name ``Hall of Fame'' for it. It was founded in 1900 and built on what was
then the uptown campus of NYU. It opened in 1901
with 29 inductees.
A surprisingly uninquisitive Dave Blevins did not even address the question of
priority in his nevertheless interesting book Halls of Fame (2004).
It's subtitled An International Directory, and in addition to a few he
found in the US, he gamely listed HoF's in Canada and 17 other countries. (He
counted ``more than fifteen countries.'' Maybe he was running out of toes, or
maybe he just had a nagging suspicion that possibly the Irish Music Hall of
Fame in Dublin, Ireland, is not in the UK.)
According to the back cover, more than 450 HoF's are listed. I'm not going to
check, but here are some numbers I can compute easily:
HOF page counts
- US: 229
- Canada: 45 (!)
- RoW: 17
Are there disturbing signs that America's famous lead in the HoF race is
Blevin is also the author of UFO Directory International: 1000+
Organizations and Publications in 40+ Countries (2003).
- HoG
- History Of Geology. The Geological Society of America has a
History of Geology Division (GSA HoG) and the
UK's Geological Society
(GS) has a SIG called
the History of
Geology Group (HoGG).
- hog
- An animal that ignorant city-slickers are apt to call by the technically
incorrect word pig, or a different animal altogether: a
Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The
latter is also called a hawg or hogg. Regarding the latter of the latter, see
the hogg entry. And speaking of entries...
In July 1995, a stray Vietnamese potbellied pig named Chi-Chi discovered a
shiny black hog belonging to Walter Wyatt, in the yard of Wyatt's home in Key
West, Florida. Excited, Chi-Chi mounted the
brand-new hog's front tire and tried to mate with it. Okay, perhaps it
succeeded in mating with it. Who's to say? Walter's wife Patricia witnessed
the whole thing from her kitchen and called police. The 50-pound animal did at
least $100 of damage to the object of his affections, scratching the paint and
tearing the bike's fabric cover. It must've been hot.
According to animal control officers, state law requires all unclaimed strays
to be neutered, and the owner, not identified in news reports, declined to
claim him. Many locals, including the assault victim's owner, felt that the
punishment was too harsh. I say the punishment fit the crime better than the
victim did, but Walter Wyatt said, ``His crime is an alleged sex act against a
Harley. We don't even know if that's a felony!'' A ``Spring Chi-Chi'' defense
fund raised $300, and Wayne Smith, president of the Monroe County Bar
Association, handled the case on a pro bono basis. ``The punishment
could be death or what some males may consider a fate worse than death,'' said
What were the alternatives? A local motorcycle dealer said he might let
Chi-Chi go hog-wild in his showroom, just to get it out of his system. ``Just
a night's stay.'' One man offering to adopt Chi-Chi sent a letter to the
Chamber of Commerce. It ended ``P.S. I have a broken scooter. It's his.''
Chi-Chi was fixed and retired to a local petting zoo.
Florida seems to produce a disproportionate share of animal-related weird news.
For another example, read about the trouser snake at
For more about potbellied pigs see NAPPA. Many
NAPA distributors also carry motorcycle parts.
I'd like to mention that Key Lime pie was invented in Key West, but I can't
think of a good excuse to do so. One of the factors in the creation of that
confection was the widespread use of canned condensed milk there, at a time
when it was less common elsewhere in the country. This must have been due to
Key West's isolation. Isolation was probably a factor in the siting of the
Agriculture Department's Animal Import Center at nearby Fleming Key. On July
26, 1989, six years to the day before Chi-Chi's case was heard in Key West, the
Ag department officially admitted a herd of Chinese hogs after four months of
tests at the center. The herd of 140 animals included three breeds: Meishan,
Ming and Feng-Jing. They had been purchased by the University of Illinois and
Iowa State University for breeding experiments. The breeds were described as
``unusually prolific''; their twice-yearly litters average 16 to 20 newborn,
with a record of 33. They must suckle in shifts. Most U.S. breeds have
litters of 10 to 12. (I couldn't bring myself to write ``only 10 to 12.'') I
should probably also mention the nearby Bay of Pigs. Done.
- HoGG
- History Of Geology Group. Details at the HoG
- hogg
- Sheep. Sometimes I get the idea that the language has been taken over and
is being made deliberately confusing by nefarious beings called Anglophones.
Read about famous Anglophones who wrote in English at the item on Douglas Hogg.
- Hard Of Hearing. Deaf or hearing-impaired. You have to be a little bit
careful or sensitive in using these terms: there is an emotional disagreement
about the best way to educate children who are profoundly deaf: immersion in a
signing environment vs. heroic efforts to mainstream [lip-reading,
``Signing Exact English (SEE, q.v.), etc.].
Some terms to indicate partial hearing impairment are interpreted by those
favoring a signing focus as indications of destructive wishfulness on the part
of mainstreamers.
- HOmonuclear HArtmann HAhn (variety of NMR spectroscopy). Not a joke.
Don't insult me; I would have thought up something funnier.
- Holocaust Oral History Project.
- HoJo
- Howard Johnson's. I think they spun
off the ice cream business a few years ago.
- Head Of Line.
- Hold the cheese.
- Hold all of the cheese; I want it with
no cheese. (This particular entry is for the edification of fast-food preparers everywhere. To encourage
distribution, this entire glossary entry is placed the public domain.
No, not the entire glossary.)
Also -- you know those double burgers with the pre-positioned cheese slice
between the patties? Take it out or start over.
Also, when I say ``Taco Salad, hold the lettuce,'' yes, that means I want no
cheese with it. Obviously, I meant ``hold the cheese'' and misspoke. ``It
comes with cheese'' is not an acceptable response.
BTW, it's not necessary literally to hold the cheese, just don't put it
on the food item.
- Hold the onions.
- This was a code phrase used in movies during the most severely repressive
era of sexual-content censorship (after institution of the Production Code in
1934; the onion code was popular in the 40's). The idea was that a man would
remember not to put anything on his breath that was unpleasant, or deleterious
to romance, if he planned to do any heavy breathing in the near future. It was
so well understood that it was a common joke on the radio. (More about leeks
and legalities at the PTD entry.)
Time passed, and people forgot. In Waiting
(chapter 9 -- see LBI entry), social scientist Debra
Ginsberg actually went to the trouble of explaining, as if to a child, that ``a
couple on a date early in their relationship will either both have garlic in their meals or request that it be entirely
removed from their dishes.'' At least she realized that it could go without
saying, that the latter group experiences
less satisfaction.
- Harvard OnLine Library Information
- Holy Trinity
- The New York Times,
the Washington Post, and
the Wall Street Journal.
- Higher-Order Laue Zone (lines).
- Holz
- German, `wood.' A common surname. Surnames tend to preserve older
spellings, so Holtz is also common. Lou
Holtz was the Notre Dame football coach until the
end of
1996, when he resigned ``because it was the right thing to do.'' It was the
right thing to do because the AD wanted him out.
Wood seems somehow to be prototypical
stuff. When you try to conjure up an image
of nonspecific stuff, likely as not the image you conjure will be of wood or
clay. That's my theory, anyway. I mean, if someone says ``a fish''
out of the blue, the mental image evoked is not likely to be of a barracuda or
a zebra fish or even a mature flounder. You're more likely to imagine
something that looks roughly like a cod. It's like that. For supporting
evidence, see the HYLE entry. Another bit of
evidence is in the fact that the German word Klotz, meaning `block,' is
understood to mean a block of wood if the material is not otherwise specified.
More about that word is now at the klutz entry.
- Homeworkers Organized for More Employment.
- homeboy
- Web weenie. Differs from ``cyberweenie,''
much as ``geek'' is a very different thing than a
- Homer search page
htgrep form for Homeric papyri.
- Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior. Mnemonic for the ``Great
Lakes'' of North America. Lake Michigan is entirely in the US, but Lake
Ontario, like the rest, is shared between Ontario and the US. It
probably seems unfair, but as it happens, Michigan isn't really a whole lake.
Michigan and Huron are two lobes of a single body of fresh water connected by
``Mackinac Strait,'' which is 3.6 miles across at its narrowest. Water flows
through the strait in both directions. The areas of L. Huron
(59,596 sq. km = 23,010 sq. mi.) and L. Michigan
(58,016 sq. km = 22,400 sq. mi.) are computed by allocating
some of the strait to each; their combined area far exceeds that of L. Superior
(82,414 sq. km = 31,820 sq. mi.), which is popularly
considered to be the world's largest fresh-water lake.
Lakes Erie and Ontario have areas
25,719 sq. km (9,930 sq. mi.) and
19,477 sq. km (7,520 sq. mi.), resp.
- homespun
- Cloth woven by hand.
- You're looking for stuff about Norman Rockwell. Try the NYC entry.
- Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital. Pronounced
with long ohs [as in homozygous pronounced carefully, or as in (Joshua)
Nkomo rather than, say, homonym] and stress on the initial syllable
(/'houmou/). Lower-lying orbitals may be referred to as ``HOMO minus one'' (HOMO-1) ``HOMO minus two'' (HOMO-2), etc. See also LUMO and HOMO-LUMO
Cf. (the less common) HODO.
- homogeneous
- It is a question of long standing whether the second e in
the word ``homogeneous'' should be pronounced. A haiku inspired by
Spam has settled the question definitively:
Ears, snouts and innards,
A homogeneous mass.
Pass another slice.
See also the navel entry.
- homograph
- Two words are homographs if they are written the same way. Since English
spelling is not especially phonetic, there exist homographs with different
pronunciations. Here's a list of heterophonic homographs that I can come up
with offhand, plus some I added later:
- affect
- agape (adjective meaning ``wide open'' or the Greek word for a kind
of `love,' adopted in certain specialized senses in Christianity)
- aged
- are (metric area unit or second-person form of the verb to
- axes (plural of axe or of axis)
- bases (plural of base or of bases)
- bass (low pitch, or fish)
- bow (part of a crossbow or part of a ship)
- buffet (verb or noun)
- chile
- cleanly (adjective [short vowel] or adverb [long vowel])
- close (verb or adverb)
- coax (two syllables as short form of co-axial connector; one
syllable as verb meaning persuade)
- commune (noun or verb)
- content (noun or adjective)
- converse (noun related to conversion or verb related to
- convert (noun or verb)
- conjugate (verb or adjective)
- defect (initial syllable stressed in noun; second stressed in verb)
- defense (stress usually on second syllable of noun, except in
sports; in team sports, stress is initial in
both noun and verbed noun)
- delegate (verb or noun)
- deserts
- does (third-person singular of do, or plural of doe)
- dove (the bird, or the preterite of dive)
- dying (present participle of die or dye)
- effect (verb has long initial e in some pronunciations)
- entrance (verb and noun)
- Espy (the surname, pronounced ``ESS-pea'' or the verb, pronounced
``ess-PIE,'' appearing capitalized at the beginning of an imperative
- Evelyn (two syllables as a male name,
three syllables as female; also, although the distinction is not
reliable in British English, the first e is long for a male name, short
for female)
- house
- import
- lead (metal whose name rhymes with led, or verb with the past tense
- live
- lives
- minute (noun and adjective)
- mobile (noun and adjective)
- multiply (verb and adverb)
- periodic (short e and long i in the
chemical name)
- precipitate (verb or adjective)
- predicate (verb or noun)
- primer
- putter
- putting
- read (past tense or present tense form of read; rhymes with lead)
- recall (initial syllable stressed in either sense of noun; second
stressed in either sense of verb)
- refuse (the noun, with short e and accent on first syllable, and
final sibilant voice, and the verb, with none of these)
- reject (initial syllable stressed in noun; second stressed in verb)
- resent (sent again, or be resentful)
- resort (voiced or unvoiced s)
- row
- secreted (past of secrete and of secret, a transitive verb meaning
- sewer (sewage conduit or seamster)
- severer (comparative of severe and agentive noun of sever)
- singer (one who sings or singes)
- sliver (short i in most senses, long i in
textile sense)
- supposed (verb or adj.)
- tarry (delay or tarred)
- taxes (plural of tax or of taxis)
- taxis (plural of taxi, or the medical manipulation of a body part
back into normal position after an injury)
- tear
- unionized (organized into a union,
or not ionized)
- tower
- use (and abuse, reuse, ...; verb or noun)
- wicked
- wind
- winged
- wound
The pronunciation of the suffix -ate stressed or unstressed,
or with a long or short vowel, seems (when the distinction occurs) typically to
differentiate a verb (long or stressed a) from its homographic adjective or
noun. In cases like celibate or differentiate, the pattern holds
despite the absence of the verb or the rarity of an alternate form.
- homojunction
- A junction between regions of the same bulk material which differ in the
concentration of dopants. The paradigmatic example is the np diode, but a
junction between As-doped and P-doped n-Si is technically also a homojunction.
Cf. heterojunction.
- homological
- A word that describes itself. Examples: polysyllabic, English. In this
specific sense, homological has the synonym
autological (entry under construction). In
that sense, perhaps, autological may be preferrable, since
homological is also a synonym of homologous.
- The energy difference between the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) and the Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (LUMO).
- HOMO-1
- Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital, minus one. The orbital immediately
below HOMO and immediately above HOMO-2. Parallel nomenclature in LUMO+1, etc.
- HOMO-2
- Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital, minus two. Often when, in systems
with an even number of electrons, you say ``HOMO minus one,'' you really mean HOMO-2. That's
because in most approximations that use molecular orbitals, and to a very high
degree of accuracy, orbitals come in degenerate spin pairs, and by ``minus
one'' you mean down one level in energy. In the naming of orbitals this is
just a book-keeping or nomenclatural convention problem, but in Hartree-Fock calculations, it's an issue! See
the symmetry dilemma entry for moral guidance.
- Honesty is the best policy.
- Okay, fine. What's the second-best policy?
Margaret Carlson describes this as a joke ``[a]mong consultants'' in her March
27, 2008, ``Commentary'' at
<Bloomberg.com>, entitled ``Hillary's Just Making It Up As She Goes
- honne
- Japanese: `real, inner wish.'
- Nitrous Acid. ``HONO'' is the structural formula, used as an abbreviation.
If you like, you can regard it as an acronym with the expansion ``Hydrogen
Oxygen Nitrogen Oxygen.'' The deuterated form is called
- honors programs
- In schools that have them, honors programs typically enroll about 5-10% of
- hoofbeats, When you hear
- ... think horses, not zebras. A medical
proverb, instructing one not to be too clever by half and imagine unlikely
etiologies when common and more likely ones are available.
In the movie Duck Soup, which begins with a shot of ducks swimming in a
bowl (IIRC), Groucho says
Gentlemen, Chicolini may talk like an idiot, and look like an idiot,
but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot.
- hook
- In golf, a ball is said to hook when it curves through the air toward the
side the golfer has driven it from (viz., toward the left for
right-handed golfer, and conversely). A ball curving to the opposite side is
said to slice.
- hoops
- Informal name for the game of basketball.
- hoops
- A common circus trick is getting large cats to jump through hoops
instead of eating the trainer. Metaphorically, ``jumping through hoops''
means performing pointless tasks for the satisfaction of someone you'd
probably rather bite. It is the favorite metaphor of pre-meds and med students
to describe the stuff they have to learn, or at least parrot, in order to get
into and through medical school.
- Hooper
- Anne wrote The Ultimate Sex Book. Grace was a mathematician
who wrote the first implementation of COBOL
and became the first woman admiral in the US Navy. Oh wait. That's Grace
Hopper. Whatever. A lot of the stuff on the web on GH is bound to
be a little distorted.
- Hoosier
- Since the
- hop
- Any flight under eight hours, according to the precise definition in one of
Joan Didion's novels.
- Hopeful Oats
- A particularly self-deceived variety of wild oats, for sowing. Oh wait,
maybe not. Could be Hope Floats. Those would be the MIA/POW cars in
your Veterans Day parade. I suppose you could regard it as a complete sentence,
with floats regarded as an intransitive verb, third person singular.
Also a movie.
- History Of Philosophy Of Science. Distinguished from HPS, q.v.
HOPOS also referred to
``[t]he History of
Philosophy of Science Working Group ... an international society of
scholars who share an interest in promoting research on the history of the
philosophy of science and related topics in the history of the natural and
social sciences, logic, philosophy, and mathematics. We interpret this
statement of shared interest broadly, meaning to include all historical periods
and diverse methodologies. We aim to promote historical work in a variety of
ways, including the sponsorship of meetings and conference sessions, the
publication of books and special issues of journals, maintaining an email
discussion group, and the dissemination of information about libraries,
archives and collections, and bibliographic information.''
The biennial meetings of HOPOS are also called HOPOS, or more specifically
HOPOS '98, HOPOS 2000, HOPOS 2002, HOPOS 2004 (San Francisco), etc.
Between the time when I first put this entry in (around 2002) and today (2004),
the ``working group'' has renamed itself ``The International Society for the
History of Philosophy of Science,'' and slightly reworked its self-description
with more formal and less personal wording. HOPOTH abideth within the
membership of la FISP.
(And FISP is a member of CIPSH. It's like Russian
- Hor
- Horologium.
Official IAU abbreviation
for the constellation.
- horology
- It's not what you think, you filthy-minded illiterate! Improve yourself,
view these historical documents:
horology.com offers a
comprehensive index of internet resources. There's also an Antiquarian Horological Society
(AHS). Washington University hosts a museum
wall of old clocks and a nice
If you ask scholars of eighteenth-century English literature
(dieciochistas) what the greatest work of
their period is, a large fraction will answer that it was Tristram
Shandy -- Laurence Sterne's strange (``experimental''!) novel published in
1760. It has an extremely discursive style, even for its era. The book begins
at the very beginning, with Tristram's conception, and a clock plays a pivotal
role in that beginning.
Tristram's father made a very regular habit, the first Sunday night of each
month, of personally winding a large house-clock that stood at the head of the
back stairs. The book is written as a first person narrative, and it includes
this delicately phrased report:
...it so fell out at length, that my
poor mother could never hear the said
clock wound up, -- but the thoughts of
some other things unavoidably popp'd
into her head, -- & vice versâ : -- which
strange combination of ideas, the sagacious
Locke, who certainly understood
the nature of these things better than
most men, affirms to have produced
more wry actions than all other sources
of prejudice whatsoever.
Shandy was conceived ``betwixt the first
Sunday and the first Monday in the month
of March, in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and eighteen....'' By the workings of his mother's
vice versa clause above, as they were doing the deed, she quoth, ``Pray,
my dear, have you not forgot to wind up the clock?'' This untimely question
disturbed his father, and in so doing it ``scattered and dispersed the animal
spirits, whose business it was to have escorted and gone hand-in-hand with the
HOMUNCULUS, and conducted him safe to the place destined for his reception''
thus damaging him for life.
In mid-June 2004, Blind River, Ontario, a town of 4,000 on the northern shore
of Lake Huron, had a related experience: all the electric clocks gained about
ten minutes per day against the eastern time kept in surrounding areas and by
computers and VCR's in the same town. It eventually
turned out that, in order to do some maintenance work, engineers of Hydro One
(the power utility) had taken Blind River off the Ontario power grid and
supplied the town from a local generator. That generator's frequency was
slightly higher than the usual 60 Hz.
What, you were expecting some connection with Tristram Shandy? No. This story
is only connected -- and that most tenuously -- with the
dueling time zones entry.
- Hörspiel
- German for `radio drama.' Literally, it is a compound noun correponding
to English `hear play.'
- Higher-Order Statistics.
- History Of Science. An academic discipline not unrelated to
HPS or HST. There's a
link to useful stuff at HSTM.
Okay, a thumbnail description: history of science is historical inquiry (now
``interrogation,'' in the pomo term) designed to
demonstrate that scientists are fundamentally self-deluded and irrational.
Because the majority of in-fashion historians of science like science
as much as they like scientists, HOS is increasingly externalist.
One of the interesting emerging research problems in this careful field of
scholarship is ``the Science Wars.'' The circumstances of the Science Wars are
the following: Working scientists (natural scientists, I mean) mostly ignore
philosophy of science because it is of no use, and ignore history of science,
as written by historians rather than scientists, because it is no good.
Time-out for an opposing opinion: Scientists dislike philosophy of science
because it exposes their unthinking prejudices, and ignore history of science,
as written by historians rather than scientists, because it is not Whiggish
and so does not flatter scientists' triumphalist fantasy. We now return you
to the regularly-scheduled rant.
People in HPS have difficulty understanding scientists' POV, because they think
that what they're doing is useful (philosophers) or competent (historians).
Occasionally, a scientist will notice the spew from HOS, point out that it's
garbage, and possibly even trouble to explain why, even though the fact is
essentially self-evident. The HOSers will respond by psychoanalyzing the
offending scientist. Occasionally the story makes it into the newspapers.
This is the Science Wars.
Okay, time for another fit of conscience. Philosophy is useful, though
not usually in a practical way, because it attempts to answer the most
fundamental questions thinking people have tried to make sense of.
Unfortunately, science deals only in approximations. Often excellent
approximations, but still not certain enough to hang a heavy philosophical
argument on. For example, Newtonian mechanics is an excellent approximation
for the reality the eighteenth century could understand, but the qualitative
aspects of that theory bore only a partial formal resemblance to the quantum
mechanics that replaced it in the twentieth century. So while Newtonian
mechanics might be highly accurate in physical terms, in metaphysical terms
it wasn't in the same universe, never mind close. Today's physical theories
are much more accurate than Newton's and explain a much broader range of
phenomena, but there is no reason to suppose that these accurate theories are
anything but sand foundations for a metaphysical edifice.
As to HOS, well, a lot of it is garbage, and a lot of it is excellent.
Because HOS is not itself a science -- that is, because it does not as a
discipline integrate regular tests of theory against experiment, there is no
very good way to cast off the ballast, and various ships in the HOS fleet are
sinking under the weight of too much pomo freight.
Taking cognizance of the preceding information, you may or not be interested
in the discipline's professional society HSS and the
fact that the largest, oldest, and probably the best respected (within-field)
HOS department in the US is the one at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison (UW), q.v.
- Hours Of Service. That's hours of service of drivers of
commercial motor vehicles (CMV's). You want to
wake up a drowsy driver? Mention the FMCSA's
proposed new HOS rules,
that'll get 'im goin'. A perennial big issue for truckers.
- hoss
- Eye dialect for horse.
- Hoss Cartwright
- Nickname of character Eric Cartwright played by Dan Blocker (see IMDB entry) on the TV
series Bonanza (1959-73).
Middle son of Ben Cartwright (Lorne Greene) and brother of
Adam Cartwright (Pernell
Roberts, only until 1965) and Little Joe (Michael Landon, who later
starred as father on the treacly Little House on the Prairie;
see the IMDB entry, if you must).
The name ``Hoss'' suggested build or strength. Dan Blocker died of a pulmonary
embolism following surgery at age 43 (1928.12.10-1972.5.13).
- hot, HoT, HOT!
- Helen Of Troy. A legendary person and a forgettable 2003 TV
mini-series that uses the names of some characters from Homer's
Iliad. Some plot elements also appear to
have been inspired by that book. Helen of Troy is also the title of
a 1956 movie. In this one,
Brigitte Bardot (not yet a star) plays Andraste, a handmaiden to Helen. You
know the joke about the millihelen, right?
Incidentally, if you're ever in the land of Heinrich Schliemann or anywhere
else that German is spoken, you should be careful to distinguish phrases about
the weather or environment, such as ``es ist heiß'' (`it is hot')
or ``mir ist heiß'' (`it seems hot to me'), from statements about
internal conditions like ``ich bin heiß'' (`I am sexually excited,
I am in rut'). You wouldn't want your partner to get up and turn on the
air conditioner -- it might get very cold in the
room (das Zimmer), very fast.
- History Of Technology, not. This cool acronym is avoided by
professional historians of technology. Instead, they use
STS and HST, always
sticking science in there, as if some technologies were not in fact
completely independent of or at least prior to science. Not serious enough, I
guess. Have a little fun! At least the professional society is
If you only have space in your library for one so-bad-it's-good book, please
consider A Short History of Technology, copyright 1954 (details at
self-published). It's not by
professional historians of technology either; it's by Vice Admiral Harold G.
Bowen and Charles F. Kettering. I have two bits of advice about reading it:
- Don't drink and read.
- Vacuum the carpet first. (You'll thank me when you're ROTFL.)
For a sample, read the first two paragraphs of Kettering's foreword:
This booklet is a short history of discovery and invention. It also is an
explanation of how our country became the leading industrial nation of the
world with the highest standard of living ever attained.
It tells how the nameless people of Western Europe by their own
inventions, plus those acquired from the Arabs, improved the existing practical
arts. The improvement continued until suddenly the mind of man became
emancipated from most of the century-old ideas which had been holding him back
and he became creative.
- hot carriers, hot electrons, hot holes
- Quasifree carriers in a semiconductor which are nondegenerate and whose
kinetic energies are significantly greater than kT, where k
is Boltzmann's constant and T isn't. If you have to guess what
T is, it probably didn't help you to know what k is called.
- Historians Of
the Twentieth-Century United States. ``In June 2007 around 30 British
historians of the US gathered at the Institute for the Study of the Americas
(ISA) for an inaugural meeting for a new organization of historians of America
in the twentieth century.'' That answers the first question: they did
know that the acronym can be read as ``hot cuss.'' The second question is,
how are they going to define ``twentieth century''? (Cf. BrANCH.)
- hot Java
- Hot coffee.
- HotJava
- A web browser from Sun. Originally named oak.
- hot Jupiter
- Astronomers' term for a Jupiter-size planet orbiting its sun at a
Mercury-like distance, preferably much closer. Large mass and close orbit both
improve the chances of detection, and for both of the methods of detection in
use (described at exoplanet).
- hot links
- Spicy sausage, usually pork. Cf. VSDL.
(FYI, Landjaeger is pepperoni made with beef instead of pork.)
- HotS
- Harvard Of The South.
- HOTS, H.O.T.S.
- Higher-Order Thinking Skills. Something you can claim to have when you
don't know anything useful.
- Hottentot
- Remember, you can't spell Hottentot without tent. Actually,
you might as well forget it, because the approved term is Khoikhoi, that
group's own name for itself, and the former term -- based on European settlers'
efforts to imitate the click sounds of their language -- is deprecated (in the
computing sense) as deprecatory.
Also, they apparently didn't use tents historically,
but more permanent structures, despite practicing transhumance (moving their
herds between winter and summer pastures). A west African friend told me (in
1982 or so) that people would ask him things like ``do Africans still live in
trees?'' But he was still kind of hung up on the colonialism/neocolonialism
thing, and it wasn't unknown for him to exaggerate. Also, he claimed that they
don't live in trees. I could be more precise with the details, but I'd rather
point out that he is now his country's UN ambassador [temporary ``permanent
representative to the UN''] and leave his and his country's identities vague.
Once upon a time, there was an African King who kept several thrones hanging
around in his grass hut palace. Then one day they all came crashing down. The
moral: ``People who live in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones.'' br>
[This was once a widely told pun.]
- hot tip
- The business end of a soldering iron. Be careful.
- house
- The pronunciation of this English word is interesting: the verb has a
voiced ess (i.e., a zee sound). Voicing of
the final sibilant distinguishes noun and verb in some other instances.
(This is sometimes marked by a spelling difference, as in advice (n.)
and advise (v.), and sometimes not, as in use and use,
similarly excuse.) The other words I can come up with that look like
house and have common noun and verb uses, are grouse,
louse, mouse, and souse. All have a consistent unvoiced
final sibilant. (Touse, with voiced ess, seems pretty archaic to me,
but it tended to be a verb...) There is, on the other hand, a tendency for
-ouse words that function almost exclusively as nouns
(lobscouse, spouse, titmouse) or verbs (bouse, espouse, (a)rouse,
carouse), to have unvoiced and voiced ess at the end, respectively. But
there's an exception, if you count the verb chouse, which may not be
obsolete. Douse or dowse is
trickier, since the voiced and unvoiced verbs, spelled either way, refer to
different actions.
It is dangerous to try to draw conclusions in English based on spelling alone.
The sound-spelling correspondences, er, correlations, depend very much on the
origin. The etymologies of -ouse words, as it happens, are a bit varied and
occasionally unknown. However, I think it is useful to consider all -ouse
words as a group, because they tend to look Germanic and be interpreted
as such. (Just as deacon, from Greek via Church Latin, is pronounced
like Germanic beacon.) Anyway, I think that the pattern of voicing may
have to do with assimilation of voicing in the final consonant of the verb
inflected forms. That is, rouse, say, even if it have started with an
unvoiced ess, could have gotten a voiced ess first in the frequent form
roused. Later, the voicing would have jumped the vowel in rouses
and also appeared in rouse, in an instance of psycholinguistic reasoning
(in Sapir's sense). Nouns, and words that may be verbs but usually are nouns,
would not have been affected. House is then exceptional in a consistent way:
unlike most -ouse nouns, its plural has voicing in the root. That is, the
first ess in the plural noun houses has a zee sound, just like the
second and final ess. So it all pretty much hangs together, if one can explain
why the first ess in houses is voiced, even though it's not voiced in
similar collocations elsewhere. Probably has something to do with archaic
plurals. Uh, yes, um... we'll leave this as an exercise for the reader.
Comments above about current pronunciations tend to reflect my own (typical
mid-Atlantic) dialect. Pronunciations vary. AHD4
claims that blouse is somewhere pronounced with a voiced final ess. A
regional variation related to house is in the name(s)
Houston, q.v.
- Housman, A. E. (Alfred Edward) (1859-1936)
- In the introduction to his critical edition of Manilius, book v (1930),
the famous poet and classicist wrote:
The first volume of the edition of Manilius now completed was
published in 1903, the second in 1912, the third in 1916, and the
fourth in 1920. All were produced at my own expense and offered
to the public at much less than cost price; but this unscrupulous
artifice did not overcome the natural disrelish of mankind for the
combination of a tedious author with an odious editor. Of each
volume there were printed 400 copies: only the first is yet sold
out, and that took 23 years; and the reason why it took no longer
is that it found purchasers among the unlearned, who had heard
that it contained a scurrilous preface and hoped to extract from
it a low enjoyment.
More at the A. E. entry.
- Houston
- A city in Texas whose name is pronounced about
like ``YOU stun'' or ``HUGH stun.'' (I.e., as /'ju:st.n/ or
/'hju:st.n/, where I've represented a short-duration shwa by a
period.) There's a Houston Street in New York City;
that ``Houston'' is pronounced essentially as ``house-ton'' (/'haust.n/). As I mention at
the SoHo entry, I've heard that mispronouncing the
New York name led to the exposure of a German spy in WWII, but I've never been able to track the story down.
- High-Occupancy Vehicle. Term used for what is really better described as a
vehicle that is somewhat highly occupied -- with more than one, maybe
more than two riders. (Unless it's a motorcycle, I think.) Less-clogged HOV
lanes are used by traffic-choked municipalities as an incentive to get
commuters to buy life-size passenger dolls. In some movie I heard about, a guy
desperate to use HOV lanes hired a prostitute off the street to ride with him.
So the streetwalker became a passenger, a ho' fo' de HOV. Sounds perfectly
There are proposals floating around to allow LEV's
in HOV lanes.
- Howard Dean, diplomat
- How do you kiss?
- ``Softly, passionately and often.'' is the correct answer, according to
an AP article (Greg Myre byline) on Russian
female, American male matchmaking services. Now that I've given away the
answer, they'll have to come up with something a bit more creative.
- Howlin' Wolf
- Stage name of Chester
Arthur Burnett. A musician, he was born June 10, 1910, and died January
10, 1976. We have a little more information about him, or perhaps just a
little more loquaciousness, at the smokestack lightning entry.
- How Many Children Had Lady Macbeth?
- A famous 1933 essay by Lionel Charles Knights, published in his
Explorations. You're supposed to understand that the title question is
an Early Modern English phrasing of ``How many children did Lady Macbeth
Also the title of a (probably justifiably) unknown monologue (by Don Nigro,
1966) in which a woman describes how her ambition to play the role of Lady
Macbeth has led to some funny and some sad consequences.
- How short are you?
- How short of discharge are you? How much time is left in your tour of
duty? Military expression.
- How stupid do you think I am?
- You don't have to answer that.
- How to crack your back.
- Most people know how to crack their knuckles but not their backs.
I discovered accidentally how easy it is:
- Sit to one side (i.e. next to the middle) of an old sofa. Ideally,
the sofa should be dusty or have loose dry dirt on top, or have threadbare
cushions filled with hardened, disintegrating old urea foam.
- Slap the middle of the sofa repeatedly.
- Without moving your legs/lap, twist your upper body sideways to lean down
to face the center of the sofa.
- Sneeze involuntarily, surprising yourself.
This method may not be very repeatable, but you won't mind.
- HO3
- HomeOwners 3 Special Form. Industry-standard homeowners insurance.
As far as I know, the absent apostrophe is standard too. The 3 refers
to the three basic kinds of protection:
- Physical damage coverage. This pays repair/replacement costs for
house, unattached buildings on the property, and personal property, and
incidental expenses for temporary alternate housing.
- Liability coverage. Pays for liability you or your household or pet(s)
may incur for someone else's bodily injury or property damage, or to defend
in court against a claim of such liability, or both.
- Medical coverage. Covers the same group as liability, but pays medical
expenses. The idea behind this is, say some knucklehead visits and walks into
your door. The medical coverage part of your homeowners insurance is a kind
of no-fault coverage that pays for an MRI scan
to see if his brain cell was damaged. It's hoped that this will take care
of sincere nuisances, up to a kilobuck or so. If that won't do, and
knucklehead wants you to pay for an intelligence transplant or for mental
anguish (oh! the embarrassment!), then he's going to have to sue or settle,
and that's where liability coverage for bodily injury kicks in. He'll
need to convince a court that it was negligent on your part to have a
door, or demonstrate that he was not already stupid before the brain trauma
suffered on your property. (And no, it's not hard to find donors for an
intelligence transplant. Plenty of people have it and never use it.)