IBM uses the term System Control Program (SCP).
Modern OS ballot machines typically regurgitate ballots with overvotes so that voters can correct their forms. The machines I've used accept paper ballots that are printed on both sides, and can read ballots inserted in at least a couple of different orientations. The scanned votes are tabulated and reported, but the individual scanned ballots are also collected in an internal bin and afterwards transported to a central counting station for any possible recount. (I think the votes are generally tabulated in the limited sense of being separately summed. I don't recall any instance of the government doing crosstabs, except in the limited sense of preventing overvotes.)
Learn more about osmium at its entry in WebElements and its entry at Chemicool.
I assume in French this would be l'osers.
The term ``open society'' was popularized, or at least prominently used, by Karl Popper; the title of one of his best-known books was The Open Society and Its Enemies (in two volumes: ``The Spell of Plato'' and ``The High Tide of Prophecy: Hegel, Marx, and the Aftermath''). It was issued in various editions. George Soros fancies himself a philosopher and is a disciple of Karl Popper. Well, he's a follower, anyway, at least in the sense that he came afterwards. None of those who can think much think much of George Soros as a philosopher, but everyone recognizes that he has a lot of money. He has published a book with the title Open Society [Reforming Global Capitalism Reconsidered]. ``The concept of open society is based on the recognition that our understanding of the world is inherently imperfect....'' Well isn't that deep.
A seven-layer model defined by ISO as a reference for standardization of electronic communication systems. The seven layers are
The first edition of the OSPD was produced by the NSA in 1978 and listed all of the rules-acceptable 2- to 8-letter words found in five popular American collegiate (i.e., abridged) dictionaries. Allowed inflections of the base words were mostly listed in the entries for the base forms. (In my opinion, however, it is missing a great many of the -ly adverbs.) This list was published as a Scrabble dictionary by Merriam-Webster. M-W produced a second edition at some point, which included words that had been added to a later edition of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (the MWCD8 had been one of the five originally consulted); it seems that the other four were largely ignored in this revision.
The first two editions had both been valid in North American tournament play. The third edition added further new words, but was also, controversially, expurgated of some ``objectionable'' words. (Missing are at least three obvious four-letter words, and tournament-valid pejorative terms for members of various racial and ethnic groups.) The OSPD3 was not used for tournament play. Instead, a supplementary list of words was used with the OSPD2 (see OSPD2+). Eventually (1998), an Official Tournament and Club Word List (OTCWL or, for short, TWL, q.v.; also abbreviated OWL) was created by the NSA as the official arbiter for word rulings at North American clubs and tournaments. Following the publication of OSPD4 (still expurgated) in 2005, a second edition of the TWL was created (available at the beginning of 2006). M-W has been the publisher for both editions of the TWL.
All editions of the OSPD have maintained the restriction of listing base words no longer than eight letters. Although a rack only holds seven tiles, it is possible to construct words longer than eight letters by connecting different letters already on the board. To establish the validity of a longer word that is not an inflected form of an 8-letter-or-shorter base word, there is a designated official dictionary. For OSPD1, that was the MWCD8 and then the MWCD9. For subsequent editions of the OSPD, it has usually been whatever was the latest edition of the MWCD.
Although this is the second expurgated edition, it still contains the words gyp and slave, which were originally ethnic slurs. (I've actually met some of the people who object to the time-honored master-slave terminology. I understand that some people view that as racially offensive; I view that view as insufficiently historically broad-minded, but I suppose context matters.) Of course, the Scotch brand name for adhesive tape originally arose from an ethnic stereotype. Oh look, the verb scotch is in the OSPD4, and the payment-arrangement adjective Dutch. (I think that's still capitalized; Scrabble tiles don't care.) That doesn't offend anyone? They should raise their consciousness! Get outraged, people! It's your right and responsibility to be maximally aggrieved! To say nothing of all the Indian tribes named after other Indian tribes' uncomplimentary epithets for them.
FWIW, growing up in Germany in the 20's and 30's,
my mother learned the common expression ``das kommt mir spanisch vor,'' meaning
roughly `it's Greek [i.e., incomprehensible] to me,'' but extending to
actions and situations rather than just language.
This Wikipedia entry lists
comparable phrases in many other languages, yet a page for the expression
is apparently only available in six languages:
English, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, and Korean (all added some time before
mid-2011), and Chinese (added some time between mid-2011 and early 2013).
These pages contain lists of similar expressions in various languages, with
what we will call home and difficult languages. By home language I mean the
language in which the expression is uttered or written, and by difficult
language the one that serves as metonym for incomprehensibility, the ``Greek''
language. Of the five languages that parallel the Greek-to-me wikipedia page
in English, only Korean seems to lack its own version of the phrase. (That is,
only Korean does not serve as a home language for a version of this expression.
Doubtless, other languages may lack such an expression, but I wouldn't count
its absence on another language's webpage as strong evidence for the
I think it's cute that Esperanto uses good old Volapük as the difficult
(proverbially incomprehensible) tongue. Volapük was an earlier artificial
language, based very loosely on English vocabulary, that was very successful
for a few years among the people who like that sort of stuff, until it was
swept away by Esperanto itself. The Volapük community (of many
thousands of speakers and number of publications) shattered as a dozen or so
improved (i.e., more Esperanto-like) versions were invented in reaction
to that tidal wave. I'm amazed and impressed that Danish also memorializes
that dead artificial language in such an expression.
Greek, Spanish, and Chinese all enjoy widespread
status as ``difficult languages'' for these expressions. English is only
listed as difficult for one home language (Cantonese), but having the language
described as `chicken intestines' goes a long way to make up for this. The
only inconsistency I noticed among the pages (apart from limited language
coverage) is that the (all very similar) English, German, and Hungarian pages
list only Chinese as the difficult language for
French, but the Hebrew page lists Hebrew and
Javanese as alternate difficult languages. They seem to be right about
l'hébreu: when I checked in 2009, one characteristic phrase got
188k ghits for Hebrew, as against 555k for
Chinese; Javanese only got 6.3k, though. Related information can be found at
the gringo and b.
Once, in the crowded dining room of a Jerusalem hotel, I ate breakfast with an
Italian tourist who told me she didn't speak Hebrew or English. Astonished, I
asked her how she communicated. She knew French. Sometimes my foolishness
amazes me, but mostly I don't notice it.
The other day, I was over at Gary and Susan's, and I started to tell a story
about something stupid and insignificant that I did in graduate school. Then I
stopped myself and said that it's a low-yield story, not very interesting. But
Gary coaxed it out of me. In that spirit, I'm going to just blather on now. I
won't be offended if you browse to another page. I may not even notice.
About ten miles south of Florence along E35, there's a village called
I Cappuccini with a bed-and-board conference center where I stayed for a week
in 1987. A proceedings volume eventually came out of that. We conferees ate
all our meals in a common room, at round tables seating six to eight, served
by a crew of, iirc, three waiters. One of them was an older fellow, and one
day this old waiter started talking to one of my table mates. She happened,
like most of the conferees, to not understand Italian, so I started translating
to her.
[Let me interrupt myself here to point out that this whole
conference-center-with-room-and-board-on-premises deal seems, in my limited
experience, to be more common in continental Europe than in the US or the
UK. I suppose that's partly because conferees can
generally only be counted on to have some facility in the conference language,
and the conference language for international meetings is very frequently
English. (I count the following as corroborative of the hypothesis: I've
also encountered the room-and-board thing in northern England. Also in --
Manchester, actually -- I've had one-way conversations in which the only way I
could tell that the [apparently native English] cabbie had understood me was by
arriving at the correct destination.) But Quebec and Japan seem to follow the
US/(southern) UK plan, and in Japan you can't always count on finding a
passable English-speaker, so I don't know.]
Anyway, the old fellow noticed that I was translating and addressed me
directly, so I put down my silverware and spoke to him directly in Italian. It
turned out that he wanted to know if she was Chinese (which, not to get into
definitional details, she is). Once he got this little drib of information, he
said triumphantly, ``Ho indovinato!'' (`I guessed it!') and trotted off. We
were all like, that was it? Das kam uns spanisch vor.
Implicitly, the term ostium seems to be used exclusively for natural or
normal openings. Accidental openings may be perforations or stomata, and
artificial ostia are now called ostomies. For openings in plants, the Greek
stoma seems to be preferred. For a bit more on the -stom- terms, see
If you hear a Spaniard exclaim ``¡Ostia!'' what he's probably saying is
``¡hostia!'' Hostia (from the identically spelled word in Latin),
means `sacrifice offering.' (The aitch is silent in Spanish.) In Roman
Catholic ritual, hostia is also the name of a round wafer of unleavened
bread, which serves the same purpose. Please don't ask me what I mean by ``the
same.'' Somehow, hostia has also taken on the slang sense of a blow (as
with a fist), and ¡hostia! has become an expression of surprise or
frustration. I've heard Spaniards use this interjection, but never any Latin
The existence of two words for what was a surgical sense of the word
stoma allowed a divergence into two sharper senses: an ostomy now refers
to the surgically created opening, while the stoma is the end of the ureter or
small or large intestine that can be seen protruding through the abdominal
wall. Okay, that's enough of that. We don't want to drive away our readers.
If you want to know more, try the UOA.
Stoma, of course, is Greek for `mouth.' Another technical use of the
word is in botany: stomata (plural of stoma) is the name given to
pores on the surface of a leaf that are the main avenue for exchange of gas
with the surrounding air. The rate of gas flow through stomata is regulated by
guard cells that adjust the size of the opening. In addition to admitting
oxygen for respiration and CO2 for photosynthesis, stomata also
allow water vapor to escape. Higher
CO2 levels allow the guard cells to close up and so decrease water
loss, enabling the plant to survive in more arid environments.
In Latin the sense of stoma slid down a bit
-- from opening of the gullet to the gullet itself, hence our word
stomach and cognates in all the major Romance languages. For an
instance of a semantic shift in the opposite direction, see the boca entry.
Internet resource list at O.T.
Online. UB's OT Dept. has a
homepage here. There's also
something there called Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation Science.
All of the above information is a guess. You get the information you pay for.
Non-prescription drugs are also referred to as ``over-the-counter,'' which
suggests that prescription drugs, by contrast, are sold under the counter.
As for the acronym OTC itself, I've only seen it used in this sense in
FDA documents.
-- W. H. Auden
President Truman used to wish for a ``one-handed economist.''
To judge from some discussions, every second person is an avatar. Where
are the elephant heads?
Looks a bit like Ötzi the iceman.
Yow! Make a parallel universe and test the hypothesis.
Ouchi (pronounced approximately ``oo-kih'') is just no. I didn't
say okay -- I said no. FWIW,
``okey'' is a common Spanish spelling of
okay (an American English loan, of course).
This reminds me of the Portuguese expression pois não,
which has its own entry não.
Many of the better out-of-print OUP books reappear in quality, low-cost
editions from Sandpiper books. Also, apparently a division of the same company
is PostScript,
a warehouse of ``[p]ublishers' overstocks, reprints and remaindered editions
from major publishing houses and independent and university presses'' sold by
mail order.
Go swimming today in a warm public pool with insufficient chlorine.
Some of you pain amateurs are probably scoffing -- ah, what's a little ol' ear
ache? Exactly! The problem with most other painful ailments is that one way
or another they elicit sympathy. Other people have had it, or it's well-known
to be bad, or it's unknown but sounds or looks terrible. And sympathy is
soothing, which is counterproductive of really intense suffering.
For the pain aficionado, the special attraction of ear ache is that it
sounds minor, so you seem like a whiner to complain about it at all
and you get hurtful contempt instead of sympathy. (Whine to someone who's
had a heart operation, if you're not getting enough contempt.) It's great!
Bonus misery: you have to eat mushy foods or have pain with every bite.
Okay, I've said enough about that. My real motivation for this entry is to
point out that while the Japanese adopted the word out when they adopted
the game (it gets transliterated back as auto), they coined
gaiya for outfield. That's a two-kanji word, and the first kanji
(with sound gai and corresponding to `out') is the same one that occurs
in gaijin (`foreigner'). Gaikan means `surface, exterior.'
(Gaiken means `outline.' No cigar, though: it's a different kanji.)
Oh alright: it's by Karin Mack, Ph.D. and Eric Skjei, Ph.D., ©1979. It
wasn't published by an academic press, so there's a chance it's readable.
Personally, I don't really have writing blocks to overcome. At any given
moment, I usually have at most one writing block to overcome. Unfortunately,
that one block is the one that prevents me from writing the project I'm trying
to work on. While I'm blocked on that, though, I can ``work on'' any other
writing project, so long as I don't make any actual progress.
It's interesting that they call these monsters ``writing blocks'' instead of
``writer's blocks'' or ``writers' blocks,'' but it does avoid the problem of
where to put the apostrophe, if you insist on discussing these monsters in the
plural. Before we get into that, however, I ought to mention that
demonstrate, monitor and monster all have a common
Latin root. Frankly, I thought I already had. You
know, I really don't feel like doing all that etymological research again, now,
so what say I leave the demonstrate/monitor/monster discussion for later.
There, I feel much better already. Actually, it's explained at the
epenthesis entry. What the heck, let's peek
inside and see if they explain why they use the plural and the present perfect.
Hmm. They don't say, immediately. I notice that this is another one of those
books that I don't and likely won't feel like summarizing into an entry. So
from your point of view, my reading this book (if that comes to pass) is a
waste of time. To say nothing of this entry.
The Washington Post
reported on March 25, 2009,
that a memo recommending this term had been emailed during the previous week to
Pentagon staff members. The Defense Department's Office of Security Review
noted that ``this administration prefers to avoid using the term 'Long War' or
'Global War on Terror' [GWOT.] Please use
'Overseas Contingency Operation.' ''
The memo said the direction came from the Office of Management and Budget, the
executive-branch agency that reviews the public testimony of administration
officials before it is delivered. (No, I don't understand that.) Not so, said
Kenneth Baer, an OMB spokesman. ``There was no
memo, no guidance... This is the opinion of a career civil servant.''
Coincidentally or not, senior administration officials had been publicly using
the phrase ``overseas contingency operations'' in a war context for roughly a
month before the email was sent.
The first harmonic is the fundamental frequency itself. The first harmonic has
a frequency that is an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency, but it
happens that the multiplication factor is unity.
The second harmonic has twice the frequency of the fundamental. This is the
first overtone.
The third harmonic (thrice the fundamental frequency) is the second overtone.
In general, the nth harmonic has n times the frequency of the fundamental and
is also called the (n-1)th (or ``n minus first'') overtone.
When people talk about the harmonics of a tone, they are often implicitly
excluding the fundamental. In other words, they mean the overtones (also ``the
overtone series''). The usual way this sort of distinction is made in
mathematics is with the qualifier ``proper.'' For exaple, a proper subset of a
set is a subset other than the whole set itself or the empty set.
Yes, of course there's a zeroth harmonic. The term is used to refer to the
constant term in a Fourier expansion.
Despite the use of ordinal naming (``second harmonic'' instead of ``double
harmonic,'' etc.), when push comes to shove harmonics are really thought of as
general multiples of a fundamental frequency. Hence ``half harmonic'' for
a signal with twice the period of the fundamental. The ordinal naming is thus
unfortunate, because in English most fractions share a name with an ordinal
(compare ``one third'' and ``the third''). The same is often true in the
ordinary sloppy usage of languages like Spanish
that maintain a distinction (``un tercio'' vs. ``el tercero'' corresponding
respectively to the last English example).
Overtone and harmonic are words that tend to be used to refer to individual
tones in relation to another often implicit tone (the fundamental). Another
set of terms exists in music to describe pairs of tones (whether sounded
simultaneously or sequentially). The same words are used to refer to the
separation (``interval'') of these pairs. (I know -- a distinction only a
lexicographer might care about.) Obviously, since one tone may be expressed
as the harmonic of another, the terminology of individual harmonics/overtones
has a natural relation to this interval description. However, because
instrument tuning usually involves a compromise among incompatible goals for
frequency ratios of different pitches, the precise sense of most of these terms
is an involved matter to discuss. The two unambiguous basic terms are the
unison (two sounds at the same pitch) and the
octave (one sound at twice the pitch of the other).
In current use, overlay normally refers to partial or complete overlap of
2D graphical information. See, for example Brad Hansen's
is a little lexical mortar that was left behind when the Greek
brick of stoma (`mouth') or logos (`word, reason') was broken off
for reuse, although the formation of ostomy was probably influenced by
ostium, q.v. There don't seem to be
any particular ostomies that don't have an o before the stomy. (No,
vastomy is not an exception.) (Contrast
the common words genealogy, mammalogy, and mineralogy.
See also nealogy.)
4NH + 5O --> 4NO + 6H O .
3 2 (Pt, Rh) 2
The subsequent steps can be conducted in a single vessel. They are an addition
reaction to produce nitrogen dioxide,
2NO + O --> 2NO ,
2 2
and further oxidation and dissolution in water:
4NO + O + 2H O --> 4HNO .
2 2 2 3
We are here on earth to do good to others.
What the others are here for, I don't know.
That's the Indiana State acronym. Other states use DWI, DUI, etc. I think some state should use OUI.
Established in 1842, like three other institutions mentioned here.
Adams has already found a sperm donor (they're always easier to find, aren't they?) from London, but has not yet acquired an ``appropriate'' egg donor. She said she would fund the IVF treatment using the rental income from that house she owns. In the UK it is illegal to pay egg or sperm donors, but Adams has said she would pay for all medical expenses. (The NHS will only provide for a limited number of IVF attempts, and Adams long ago exhausted that number.)
News outlets that felt like putting a negative spin on the story had no difficulty finding people with Oxbridge pedigrees (pardon the expression) to wring their hands and bloviate on the ethical dangers of amateur eugenics. Some commentators, like India Knight, found the choosy ``egg-shopping'' creepy. So Adams should just take pot luck? (Knight's reaction just goes to show how far we've come. Gamete-shopping is as old as sexual selection; yet IVF is now less controversial.) Mark (don't bother looking; he's not identified in or anywhere near this entry) thinks that it's at least kind of weird: ``If she wants someone else's sperm and someone else's egg, why bother with pregnancy?'' Who knows? Maybe Adams already has a surrogate uterus lined up. Personally, given her associations, I just think it's very open-minded of Adams to consider Cambridge donors. I guess she wants to avoid inbreeding.
Coming eventually: an entry for the Repository for Germinal Choice (a/k/a the Nobel Prize Sperm Bank). FWIW, that bank, which operated from 1979 to 1999, did not supply sperm to single women or lesbians. (This was at the insistence of founder Robert Graham's wife.)
amount of penicillin which, when dissolved in 50 cubic centimeters of meat extract broth, just completely inhibits the growth of the test strain of Staphylococcus aureus.
That's the apparently standard definition, quoted by Donald G. Anderson, M.D., in his article ``Penicillin'' in The American Journal of Nursing, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 18-20 (Jan. 1945); see ftnt. 1 on p. 18. By late 1945 it was possible to grow pure crystals of penicillin, and it was found that one milligram of penicillin corresponded to about 1,650 Oxford units (see this page, browsed 2007.07.12).
Cf. paroxytone and proparoxytone, and -- what the hey, while you're at it -- perispomenon and even properispomenon. Ancient Greek doesn't have an exclamation mark, and I think you can see why.
Observe that by using the numerical correspondence associated with alphabetical order (collating sequence), we have the gematria:
Well, something to think about, anyway, I guess. Close, but not equal.
, which is the way one represents Ö
typographically when the appropriate single symbol cannot be produced. The
Ö, of course, is the initial of Österreich, the name of
Austria in the language of Austria (namely German). I suppose the 5 also can
be taken to represent the letter ess that follows. The word
Österreich means `eastern realm.'
Austria was Adolf Hitler's birthplace. He came to power in Germany in the early 1930's, and in the last free elections there before the war, his Nazi party won about a third of the vote. My mother recalls from that time how, as a child, she was told by my grandfather that he was about to cast his last vote in Germany. His expectation was correct. In 1938, Hitler scored his greatest electoral triumph when Austrians overwhelmingly approved a referendum on Anschuß -- amalgamation into the German Reich. Austrians were among Hitler's most enthusiastic supporters during the Nazi era. As WWII ended, Austria was occupied by both democratic and Soviet Allied troops, and Vienna was temporarily partitioned like Berlin. It was decided among the Allies that Austria would be treated as a liberated country rather than as a part of conquered Germany. At the time, this didn't fool anyone who didn't want to be fooled, but in the long run, the memory of the elderly is no match for official history, ignorance, and consoling myths.
The Anschluß made the very name of the country a protest against Nazism, hence the force of ``o5.'' The symbol appeared during the war as a graffito on walls around Vienna, and such graffiti were allowed to remain afterwards. Maybe a few more were added for good measure. At least one guidebook mentioned that the symbol was carved near the main entrance of a cathedral in Vienna. However, when an SBF investigator visited in 2002, he was unable to find it.
The Austrian filmmaker Frederick Baker made a five-minute documentary entitled ``Austria o5 2000'' (16mm, color, 2001) which shows various graffiti around from around Vienna. It received an honorable mention at the 40th Ann Arbor Film Festival (in 2002).
The following is not directly related to o5, but it continues, unfortunately, the story limned a couple of paragraphs back. In October 1999, Austria's far-right Freedom Party dramatically increased its share of the vote in general elections and became the second-largest party (Social Democrats 33.3%, Freedom 27.2%, People's Party 26.9%). The Freedom Party had been moving toward the center until 1986, when Jörg Haider became party leader. Haider had a long history of nice things to say about Nazism and Nazis, coupled with less-prominent and not especially convincing denunciations of Nazism. The entire performance looked to be qualified and calibrated to skirt effective opposition to fascism while tapping certain unsatisfied sentiments of the electorate. These included a genuine nostalgia (among some) for authoritarianism (or what they understood or liked or thought was the essence of it), resentment of the politically correct suppression of profascist expression, measured or not, and resentment of the related ``Shoach business,'' as it is called in Germany (exploitation of dominant antifascism for gain, political or otherwise).
In 1991, Haider was forced to resign the governorship of Carinthia, Austria's southernmost province, after praising Hitler's orderly employment policies. Later he gave a speech before a meeting of Waffen SS veterans and praised their contribution to building a modern Austria. One might regard these as tactical rhetorical errors, or as laying a strategic groundwork. People who harbor half-century-old resentments might be expected to remember a balm of words administered a decade previous. In any case, over the following decade Haider's speeches were a little more careful and mentions of Hitler suppressed. He did a Le Pen, basically, focussing on immigration and patriotic issues, and criticizing corrupt practices of the coalition of Social Democratic and People's parties, which had ruled nationally since 1986 (also).
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